You’re aging quicker than Gary Gardner. All that time and that’s the best you’ve come up with.
Like I said get to Moors and try your fishing there
Tony Fantastico
11:56, Wed 15 May
Im entitled to my views!
Keep Rowett On

11:59, Wed 15 May
Gary Rowett
Partisan Blues Fan
Gary Rowett
- Bottling it away at Sheffield Wednesday, getting zipped 2-0 without laying a glove on them

- Releasing Kevin Long early, the best centre half we had

- Signing Dozzell just because he’s the son of your best mate from your playing days

Oh wait, thats Mowbray

Ta ra
It must realy hurt knowing your hero took us down by fearing Rotherham. Bless.

Rotherham was fine. Stansfield scored a good goal but Buchanan stupidly ran offside.

Pillow feet Miyoshi stroked one into the keepers hands from 3 yards out

Was a perfect away performance bar those two incidents

Far better than Mowbrays aways. Spanked at Sheff Weds (Rotherham equivalent) and hanging on by the skin of our teeth away at Stoke.

Mowbray out performed PPG due to luck; Rowett under-performed Mowbray due to bad luck

Shame Mowbray shipped Long out, i think Rowett woulda won at QPR with a centre half who can head a ball

Nope, try again
12:11, Wed 15 May
Gary Rowett
Im entitled to my views!
Tony Fantastico
13:04, Wed 15 May
I really find it hard to stomach some of the anti-rowett comments

Venus 1 point out of 18
Rooney 10 points out of 45

11 points from 21 games and Rowett got the same in 8 games..

If rowett was manager at the start of the season he would of got us close to 60 points !
If rowett was brought in rather giving the job to venus we would of stayed up !

Rowett cant be blamed for getting us relegated on last day of the season, if hadn't come back we would of been relegated a lot sooner
13:06, Wed 15 May
I really find it hard to stomach some of the anti-rowett comments

Venus 1 point out of 18
Rooney 10 points out of 45

11 points from 21 games and Rowett got the same in 8 games..

If rowett was manager at the start of the season he would of got us close to 60 points !
If rowett was brought in rather giving the job to venus we would of stayed up !

Rowett cant be blamed for getting us relegated on last day of the season, if hadn't come back we would of been relegated a lot sooner

And yet we wasn't in the relegation zone at all until Rowett turned up and pussied out at games vs QPR, Cardiff, Rotherham and Huddersfield.
13:07, Wed 15 May
Some wild claims. Fact is one manager was bought into to keep us up and ultimately took us down. Same geezer who preferred Robbo and the London Marathon to Venus and keeping us up.
Good riddance
Tony Fantastico
13:13, Wed 15 May
I think we’d have gone down under Venus as well, but none of it matters now anyway. We need to move on. Rowett is likely not returning, so let’s hope Mowbray is back; and focus on next season.
14:17, Wed 15 May
Makes me laugh that people over-egg the Burke at Rotherham pick

Miyoshi couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo, and still came on at half time to have a whole second half doing diddly squat

People's just dislike Rowett because he's attractive and articulate. I know the feeling.
Keep Rowett On

14:19, Wed 15 May
14:20, Wed 15 May
Gary Rowett
attractive and articulate. I know the feeling.

Balding and blustering more like.
14:22, Wed 15 May
Gary Rowett
Makes me laugh that people over-egg the Burke at Rotherham pick

Miyoshi couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo, and still came on at half time to have a whole second half doing diddly squat

People's just dislike Rowett because he's attractive and articulate. I know the feeling.

I don't fink he is mate...
23/01/20 Mad: I'll stop moaning now.
14:23, Wed 15 May
Are you Gary rowetts hype man?

FWIW I don’t hate rowett as much as some on here do, and I don’t blame him specifically for the relegation, but he’s not a god among men that you’re making him out to be.

Mowbray is a far better manager as well.
14:24, Wed 15 May
Are you Gary rowetts hype man?

Bez Rowett
14:29, Wed 15 May
Mowbray is a far better manager as well.

I'm sorry but I disagree
Keep Rowett On
