10:14, Wed 15 May
Whilst some of the grounds might be tin pot i truly believe were going to be a bit of a man city in this leauge.
Yes im sure there might be a couple of bizzare results- its our way. I know it was only a friendly and Cheltenham were piss poor - but we looked head and shoulders above them quickness in tought etc - They couldnt touch Bacuna.. if he can stay fit Anderson could make a few full backs look silly.
Hopefully best signing of the summer will be Uncle Tone coming back..sanitise the last 12years of shit and out of contracts (not Juke)
and away we go .
10:16, Wed 15 May
Worth mentioning that that Cheltenham team went the first 11 games without scoring a goal, they were piss poor even for that league.

I am however similarly confident.
10:16, Wed 15 May
What about the friendly against Peterborough?
10:22, Wed 15 May
It was a cup game, but yes, we were miles too good, they were a poor side for the level mind.

I do expect us to have the best team and the best manager, as we should given the budget will be the biggest in the leagues history.
Happy Clapper
10:23, Wed 15 May
Friendlies are meaningless, as is proven virtually every year. This forum shit the bed that day and then we started the season 6 unbeaten, with 4 wins.
Happy Clapper
10:25, Wed 15 May
Le Mod
Friendlies are meaningless, as is proven virtually every year

Best example being when we beat Man Utd 4-3 at the start of their treble winning season.
10:27, Wed 15 May
Pirate Blue
Whilst some of the grounds might be tin pot i truly believe were going to be a bit of a man city in this leauge.
Yes im sure there might be a couple of bizzare results- its our way. I know it was only a friendly and Cheltenham were piss poor - but we looked head and shoulders above them quickness in tought etc - They couldnt touch Bacuna.. if he can stay fit Anderson could make a few full backs look silly.
Hopefully best signing of the summer will be Uncle Tone coming back..sanitise the last 12years of shit and out of contracts (not Juke)
and away we go .

Have you heard the word hubris?
10:29, Wed 15 May
Maybe we should just embrace a smidgen of hubris? It's not like it's something we, as a fan base, can be historically accused of.
Buy my novel (if you want to of course), The Loneliness That Others Call Freedom by Steven Vaughan. Available in both Kindle and paperback format.

10:30, Wed 15 May
Every team will raise their game against us, some will play with every player defending their goal.

This will not be "easy" and some of it won't be fun to watch.

I well remember the last time we were in this League. I enjoyed it as I was 30 odd years younger and going to the Blues was a huge part of my life. But we'll be there to be a scalp for these teams.
10:32, Wed 15 May
I'm not sure we will have or want to spend as much money as some seem to think.
Even if we do it will raise the prices we have to pay as much as anything else.

There will be a lot of new players to fit in and I don't think we will necessarily start the season that well.
There will be other teams equally desperate to go up. Mores so if we start by acting like we'll be promoted by the end of August.

I am optimistic, but we need to see how good we actually are. And to remember that we are in a fortunate position with the owners. It could easily be a lot worse.
10:33, Wed 15 May
Every team will raise their game against us,

Possibly, though the team with the biggest budget tends to win every league, most years, so it's debatable how true or effective it is.

There will be lots of games where we toil and struggle to break teams down (same for every top team in every league) but if you have more quality, power and depth you should overcome it over a 46 game season.
Happy Clapper
10:35, Wed 15 May
I'll wait to see who our first signing is. I have no idea what calibre player we are aiming for.
10:36, Wed 15 May
Am I the only one who is completely disinterested in League 1, sorry but I just can’t get excited by it. Yes I’ll renew my season ticket and be happy if we have a successful season but bloody hell I can’t get excited by it.
10:37, Wed 15 May
We still don't know who our manager will be, the majority of last season's squad will leave, either loanees returning, players out of contract, or players who don't want to play in League 1 (James, Bielik, Miyoshi, Paik, Bacuna). We need a complete squad rebuild in 10 weeks.

I'm surprised people are so confident. We'll face stiff competition from Wrexham, Huddersfield, Peterborough and a few others. Think we might need a couple of seasons at least to get out.
10:39, Wed 15 May
waiting to see who our manager is, the retained list and signings before I'm confident of anything other than play offs