12:10, Wed 15 May
I said earlier but it should be top 6 minimum. If thats arrogant then fine so be it. Under the Chinese it would have been a different story, but if our owners are as committed as they keep saying, and are willing to spend a lot of dosh, we absolutely should be finishing in the top 6 and coming straight back up.

3rd to 6th would be a failure with the resources Knighthead have told us we have.

Honestly, 2nd would be disappointing. We should be walking this league if Wagner is serious.
12:19, Wed 15 May
Of course we should have ambitious targets Title, automatic, play-offs in that order.

But we haven't bought a single player yet. Indeed the relegation season isn't even completed.
Saying we'll do a Man City seems, not so much to be jumping the gun as to be ordering the medals before the gun has even been manufactured.
Some people seem to be thinking in a way which will mean that anything less than 120 points plus the Football League Trophy plus an FA Cup Semi-final and a league cup semi-final will be a disappointment and an underachievement.

I want to see who we buy, how they fit in to the side and how well we actually start the season before getting carried away.
At the start of the season I'll settle for a mostly decent team, hopefully playing good football and winning more than we lose. I expect we will improve and add players to cover weaknesses in January, but at the start of the season we'll be very much a work in progress.

Sure, that's fair enough but saying we need to see what players we get before we can set expectations is massively letting our recruitment team off the hook.

I expect promotion as things stand now. We have the funds available to by a team that should be able to bully their way to the Championship. We have the opportunity to sign pretty much an entire starting 11 so if we end up saying "the players aren't good enough" or "we're lacking leaders" or "the squad is unbalanced", there's been a massive eff up.
12:51, Wed 15 May
I said before getting carried away, not before setting expectations.

There's a lot that has to happen before the start of the season, let alone before we are anywhere near promotion.
Saying we'll be (among the) favourites for promotion is fine by me.
Saying we'll do a Man City and smash the league a lot less so.

Looking forward to next season and think we'll most likely do pretty well is great.
Boasting about how much money we'll have and how we'll win everything doesn't sit so well.
12:57, Wed 15 May
expectations for the season just gone was top 6 according the fans.. now we expecting to win league 1 with what exactly ?

Just because we have new owners doesn't equate to on pitch success.. this takes times and patience.

Relegation last season was expected in terms of squad depth and quality and i do honestly believe we would be down the bottom if Eustace had stayed.. going in to last season with a light weight forward line and 8 players who had run down their contracts spelt trouble...

We gambled on cheap players with a questionable injury record and it hit us hard..
14:10, Wed 15 May
I didn’t see any boasting in that post to be honest.
He may have higher expectations than you as things stand, but what was written is pretty much spot on.
If we don’t go up next season, it’s a massive failure.
Listening to our CEO at the awards evening, I can assure you he’s got nothing but promotion on the agenda.
14:28, Wed 15 May
expectations for the season just gone was top 6 according the fans.. now we expecting to win league 1 with what exactly ?

I don't think that I ever heard (or read) anyone suggesting that. Where did you read that?
Make Blues Great Again
14:28, Wed 15 May
expectations for the season just gone was top 6 according the fans.. now we expecting to win league 1 with what exactly ?

Just because we have new owners doesn't equate to on pitch success.. this takes times and patience.

Relegation last season was expected in terms of squad depth and quality and i do honestly believe we would be down the bottom if Eustace had stayed.. going in to last season with a light weight forward line and 8 players who had run down their contracts spelt trouble...

We gambled on cheap players with a questionable injury record and it hit us hard..

They weren’t
14:35, Wed 15 May
I think a few got carried away after our win against the baggies.
14:42, Wed 15 May
Suggest you guys go back to August and re read the threads post Wagner...

I got gagged as I was arguing with fans about how weak the squad was and that it was weaker than last year..
14:43, Wed 15 May
I think a few got carried away after our win against the baggies.

Possibly so, and I had hopes of a decent season at that point (and by decent season, I mean mid-table) but I didn't really see that as 'expectations for the season', which (to me) means pre-season. Pre-season, the overwhelming hope seemed to be for a bit of evolution and stability on the pitch. It was never going to be a top six finish, but neither is/was it a squad whose individual ability was at League One level. I think we can see that from the results of three of the managers throughout the season.
Make Blues Great Again
14:44, Wed 15 May
Suggest you guys go back to August and re read the threads post Wagner...

I got gagged as I was arguing with fans about how weak the squad was and that it was weaker than last year..

You wouldn't have been 'gagged' for that opinion, although I disagree with it. Any links to the conversation?
Make Blues Great Again
14:51, Wed 15 May
I don’t remember any of that on here. In the abyss known as social media I know some fans got carried away when we were unbeaten, but most of us knew it wasn’t feasible. I expected more than 22nd though, a nice boring mid table season was my prediction back in August.
14:56, Wed 15 May
This was definitely discussed on another forum but unsure whether it was on here.

I remember a poster standing his ground when comparing this years squad with last years. Lots of people were saying Dembele was better than Chong.

Trusty better than long…….
15:02, Wed 15 May
Suggest you guys go back to August and re read the threads post Wagner...

I got gagged as I was arguing with fans
about how weak the squad was and that it was weaker than last year..

You've only made 88 posts and none in the last six months until today... 🤷🏻‍♂️
23/01/20 Mad: I'll stop moaning now.
15:03, Wed 15 May
This was definitely discussed on another forum but unsure whether it was on here.

I remember a poster standing his ground when comparing this years squad with last years. Lots of people were saying Dembele was better than Chong.

Trusty better than long…….

I thought (and still do) that this year's squad, overall, was the best that we've had in terms of individual ability in the past decade. Obviously, the argument to that is that we were relegated, but we only achieved three points less than the season before, and this time with five managers, which was horrendous. The results under the decent ones (I fink) showed that it was a capable squad.
Make Blues Great Again