15:07, Wed 15 May
Before the World Cup, last year I got carried away and couldn’t envisage we’d drop off so rapidly.

I think there’s similarities in the two squads in regards to lacking depth in certain areas of the pitch.

Our squad really struggled with a few injuries to the back 4 this and last year.
15:10, Wed 15 May
Redditch Blue
I didn’t see any boasting in that post to be honest.
He may have higher expectations than you as things stand, but what was written is pretty much spot on.
If we don’t go up next season, it’s a massive failure.
Listening to our CEO at the awards evening, I can assure you he’s got nothing but promotion on the agenda.

Whilst some of the grounds might be tin pot i truly believe were going to be a bit of a man city in this league

Is the line I found objectionable from the first post.
It does two things I didn't like:

Putting down other clubs' grounds
Boasting we're going to be 'a bit of a Man City'

I don't think it is necessary to put down other clubs. Especially when we've had a complete mess of a ground until very recently
Suggesting we are going to dominate.

It's all a bit too B6 in tone for me.
15:17, Wed 15 May
Pirate Blue
Whilst some of the grounds might be tin pot i truly believe were going to be a bit of a man city in this leauge.
Yes im sure there might be a couple of bizzare results- its our way. I know it was only a friendly and Cheltenham were piss poor - but we looked head and shoulders above them quickness in tought etc - They couldnt touch Bacuna.. if he can stay fit Anderson could make a few full backs look silly.
Hopefully best signing of the summer will be Uncle Tone coming back..sanitise the last 12years of shit and out of contracts (not Juke)
and away we go .

I was excited, obviously upset and angry on the day but the next date I was filled with optimism.

Sometimes it can take 2 steps back to make one forward.

If this happened under TTA then they would be doom and gloom.

I thing that really frustrated me, and I don't care if this sounds insensitive because we need to know what's going on.

I don't mean we need to know his health details... Only the info that tells us he is fully fit and rearing to go.

If ita a 80% Mowbray then that's no good to us.

Links to Steve Bruce and Ashley Cole, whether true or not are going to attract attentions in the media as they realise other clubs in the main have managers and are signing pre-contract agreements with good released players already, and as we speak we are missing out on potential targets as a lot of clubs are releasing their retained and releast lists.

If Mowbray is still unwell, the club needs to make that statement regardless.

I know the board have to sensitive with medical matters, and we are not nosey about knowing, and we are understanding of the need to protect his privacy.

Personally I think the situation is becoming ridiculous, and the club (being so communicative about club issues are refreshing compared to our previous owners.)

People saying no new is good news, or be patient or respect Mowbray's health, or he's on the the phone so he doesn't need the odd meetings with board and recruitment levels in person, this is not a consensus I agree with. He can have a life and go on holy but he needs to physically make his presence known. Deals get done a lot more efficiently with the manager has physical presence.

Mowbray coming back now, we win the league. Dididaddlying like we did with Rooney and Venus... It will be too late if treat Mowbrays situation with the same excessive time frame given.

If he's unwell, let us know so we can move on.
If he's good health, come back asap.
If not line up new managers.

Being linked with Bruce is abhorrent and Cole doesn't have managerial experience.

Come on Blues, statement this week either way, as the sharks are circling us already, linking us with tin-pots who are not fit to manage this great club get back the first attempt!

Please address this! Not with a blanket statement, tell us the truth without divulging Mowbrays health details. KRO
15:18, Wed 15 May
Suggest you guys go back to August and re read the threads post Wagner...

I got gagged as I was arguing with fans about how weak the squad was and that it was weaker than last year..

Think you might have confused the hyperbole of a couple of fans online with the opinions of most blues fans myself.

Easy mistake to make, particularly as it seems hyperbole might be your bag too.
15:27, Wed 15 May
Before the World Cup, last year I got carried away and couldn’t envisage we’d drop off so rapidly.

I think there’s similarities in the two squads in regards to lacking depth in certain areas of the pitch.

Our squad really struggled with a few injuries to the back 4 this and last year.

Yes, you're right. For me (and probably most of us) there was always a doubt about how the goals were going to come, both in terms of finishing and creating chances. It's been our Achilles heel for some time now, so nothing new. Goals scored (according to Footystats) were, in the past five seasons starting with the season just gone, were 50, 47, 50, 37(!) and 54.

What became more and more evident as the season progressed was the lack of leadership in the side. I'm not blaming Sanderson really, because at least he had showed willingness to take the responsibility on, although it didn't end well, obviously. There was not much from anyone.
Make Blues Great Again
16:24, Wed 15 May
This is why someone like Paddy McNair, would appeal. He’s experienced not too old and has captained his country for years.
16:35, Wed 15 May

I had a look at this yesterday.
What stands out is our away performances.
7th in the first half. 24th and way below Rotherham in the second half.
The points don't add up as it takes each half separately, but it shows we were ok at home, and absolutely desperate late in games away from home.

It made me think of the number of times we wilted in the second half away from home. If we had only matched the next worst team we'd have stayed up before the last day.