11:05, Thu 23 May
Neil is Scottish if that counts, not sure on the sexy.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
11:06, Thu 23 May
Would prefer him to Neil.

Me too

He did really well at Barnsley with a very young squad. I would like to watch a team of exciting youngsters built on the successes of our U21 & U18 teams, with some quality young signings and a handful of experienced pro's to guide them

To be honest, I'd rather they develop a squad and attractive style, even if they’re not promoted in the 1st season, just so long as the long term goals of front foot football are established and we go up the season after

That said, I'd still prefer Challinor as 1st choice
11:08, Thu 23 May
Not for me either.

When are we going to be linked with a sexy foreign manager whose data suggests we’ll piss the league scoring 100+ goals while having 95% possession?

I think we tried that. Twice.
From a mate who is a SU season ticket holder:

See parallels with when Hecky took over from Jokanovic from us - squad was underperforming and hadnt got on board with what the previous manager had tried to do - he reset things, got people playing better by being less dogmatic about tactics/approach - he just got them back playing the way they were used to.
Also was really good at keeping players on task and undistracted from various clowning around within the club - transfer embargo, not being able to train at times in winter because of problems with facilities.
Dont know whether he's going to be a great fit for more than 18 months - doesnt seem like he's a big enough name for your board and I'm not convinced at him overseeing transfers - our last window (the only one he had with us where we did anything) was a bit of a shit show but itt;s always a little tricky working out how much is his fault vs board vs recruitment team etc
11:11, Thu 23 May
Don't want either of them. Very uninspiring manager's.
11:15, Thu 23 May
I’m sure he’s someone’s definition of sexy, somewhere.

Fwiw I don’t think it’ll be either him or Neil. The only names being leaked so far are the ones that you’d expect to apply for most championship and some league 1 jobs. Still, it passes the time debating over them.
11:23, Thu 23 May
Are we going to get another 300+ post thread about how Heckingbottom is the shittest manager in the history of professional football now? Andy might have to upgrade the servers...

He should probably ban all posts talking about the new manager and just set up a poll with comments blocked for each new name - just let us all vote.
11:27, Thu 23 May
No thanks ………. Next
11:27, Thu 23 May
Yeah I agree, feels like we will hear a new name every now and then until it’s announced.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
Nikola Zigic- FEA
I just have a thing with people who have the word 'bottom' in their name. Heckingbottom, Ramsbottom. They just have no credibility.

How did you feel about Darran Rowbotham?
Frosties are just Cornflakes for people who can’t face reality
11:28, Thu 23 May
Not for me either.

When are we going to be linked with a sexy foreign manager whose data suggests we’ll piss the league scoring 100+ goals while having 95% possession?

Is that too much to ask for lol
Nikola Zigic- FEA
A patchy manager but feels a better fit than Neil.

Plays entertaining and attacking football.

Summarised as:

- Ok at Barnsley, promoted via playoffs.

- Crap at Leeds but this is when Leeds were a mess. Sacked because they wanted Bielsa- fine.

- Hibs- patchy, awful runs of form.

- Sheff Utd- only went back as a youth team coach and got the job after an interim spell. Won promotion and 3 x manager of the month that season.

Would be ok.

I just have a thing with people who have the word 'bottom' in their name. Heckingbottom, Ramsbottom. They just have no credibility.

I want Wil Still. There's so much more can be done with this name..
11:39, Thu 23 May
He started off really well at Hibs, the fans at work were singing his praises and they went 10 games unbeaten including a win and a draw against Hearts but they fell off in the last few games and he came out and publicly shamed the players for being in holiday mode feeling they could have pushed on to look for a European place.

They had a terrible start to the next season, only winning 1 of their first dozen games including losing at home in the Edinburgh derby and he was gone by November. The fans feeling was that he had lost the dressing room with his comments at the end of the previous season so he was doomed from then on.
11:41, Thu 23 May
Super Hans
Yeah I agree, feels like we will hear a new name every now and then until it’s announced.

Yes we will, Alan Nixon stated the club's list of managers to interview is the size of a phone book, so it going to take a couple of weeks to identify who they really want IMO.
11:42, Thu 23 May
Not for me either.

When are we going to be linked with a sexy foreign manager whose data suggests we’ll piss the league scoring 100+ goals while having 95% possession?

I cant get excited about any of these people linked, maybe its just that I haven't got over Tony going, the mention of Bielsa got me excited, obviously not linked with us though.