12:59, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.
13:00, Thu 23 May
One assumes he'll be paid off somehow.
The cold never bothered me anyway
13:01, Thu 23 May
be amazed if he stays, but you are right, they will probably announce all backroom changes at once when the manager is in
13:04, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.
13:10, Thu 23 May
Should just walk after his shit show as a manager
13:13, Thu 23 May
Should be locked up really
14:31, Thu 23 May
Should just walk after his shit show as a manager
Ruder than having a shit on a children’s slide. Reported
Tony Fantastico
14:39, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations
15:11, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club
15:13, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club
As a first team coach?
We replaced him with Robbo. Yeah read that back. And some would be happy for that to continue.
The disrespect is bewildering
Tony Fantastico
15:15, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club

Just weird mate, just weird .... how did Venus, a coach, show he isn't the standard of coach we want at this club ?
15:16, Thu 23 May
Rab C Nesbitt
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club
As a first team coach?
We replaced him with Robbo. Yeah read that back. And some would be happy for that to continue.
The disrespect is bewildering

I never mentioned Robbo.
If an assistant can't maintain the managers standards for a a month or two then what good is he?
Get rid
15:17, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I hope that I am wrong but I think he will retire now. A scare like what he has had will make him think how important family life is.
15:17, Thu 23 May
Rab C Nesbitt
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club
As a first team coach?
We replaced him with Robbo. Yeah read that back. And some would be happy for that to continue.
The disrespect is bewildering

I never mentioned Robbo.
If an assistant can't maintain the managers standards for a a month or two then what good is he?
Get rid


Be better
15:20, Thu 23 May
If every assistant could maintain the manager's standards, they wouldn't be assistants. They'd be managers.

As for Venus, him and Mowbray work really well as a duo but that won't necessarily be the case with someone else. It should be up to the incoming manager to decide who he needs on his staff.