17:37, Thu 23 May
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Can you all stop effing quoting posts, just reply and stop clogging shit up!


yea a really good idea

17:52, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I actually predicted yesterday, tongue in cheek, that Mowbray would be back with us as our 3rd manager of the season, about next March.
18:28, Thu 23 May
Rab C Nesbitt
It was mistake replacing him.

That made me laugh. It’s comical how you say Robbo /Rowett helped get us relegated, when their PPG was decent, yet defend the guy who got us 1 point from 7.

You’re either on the wind up or are so far entrenched in a position, you can’t bare to back down.
18:34, Thu 23 May
I laughed at you saying after Relegation Rowett’s first interview that we’ve got a brilliant manager at this level who would help keep us up.
No apology needed my friend.
Again letting Venus go was a mistake imo.
Tony Fantastico
18:37, Thu 23 May
Rab C Nesbitt
I laughed at you saying after Relegation Rowett’s first interview that we’ve got a brilliant manager at this level who would help keep us up.
No apology needed my friend.
Again letting Venus go was a mistake imo.

The mistake was not stepping Venus aside and getting GR in immediately.

We’d have almost certainly stayed up with a few points, and places to spare.
18:43, Thu 23 May
Awful luck, individual mistakes, missing the key player in Bielik and scandalous errors from officials cost us under Venus. Those things don’t last. Plus the fixtures got very favourable. Only one pair took us into the bottom 3. And kept us there
Tony Fantastico
18:50, Thu 23 May
Rab I do think if Rowett had been in control with Venus’s games we would have survived but giving Burke a game on his first game rules Rowett out for the managers position permanently
18:57, Thu 23 May
Playing Bielik in midfield for his first 4 games cost us. Maybe if he’d not prioritised the London Marathon training over us stopping up, he might have watched Bielik at centre half under Mowbray earlier and the impact he had
Tony Fantastico
18:59, Thu 23 May
Rab C Nesbitt
Awful luck, individual mistakes, missing the key player in Bielik and scandalous errors from officials cost us under Venus. Those things don’t last. Plus the fixtures got very favourable. Only one pair took us into the bottom 3. And kept us there

I think Venus was very unlucky but I also really got the impression he struggled to adapt to the flow of the game, which was probably the biggest thing that hurt us under him. He didn't seem to have a good grip on how to tweak the set up to counter changes by the opposition, nor which subs to make when.
19:04, Thu 23 May
Rowett - 10 points from 8. 1.25 PPG.
Venus - 1 point from 6. 0.16 PPG.
19:15, Thu 23 May
You’ve ignored what I said.
But have Atleast been more accurate with stats.
Venus did what he was asked to do.
Rowett/Robbo failed. And ensured we got relegated
Tony Fantastico
19:33, Thu 23 May
Not aimed directly at you, but why is this still being argued about. It’s completely pointless saying whether Venus would have kept us up or not cause it can’t be changed now anyway. He’s likely gone as well given Mowbray has unfortunately stepped down so just move on.
19:37, Thu 23 May
People can’t admit a DvB they never got over leaving, came back and relegated us.
We must not have him back
Tony Fantastico
19:52, Thu 23 May
Yeah I agree with not having rowett back. I just can’t see the point of everyone having this argument constantly. Not like it’s already been done to death on here
20:33, Thu 23 May
Rab C Nesbitt
You’ve ignored what I said.
But have Atleast been more accurate with stats.
Venus did what he was asked to do.
Rowett/Robbo failed. And ensured we got relegated

I get you have your view on Venus and aren't going to change him, but it's unfair to say Venus did what was asked and Rowett failed. The Watford and Boro games under Venus that we lost were terrible and very winnable, and I do genuinely believe since we went down by a point that bringing Rowett in immediately probably would've kept us safe. I don't blame the board - it was an incredibly horrible situation to be in and I think they did right by letting Venus take the reign for a bit. But saying Rowett failed and Venus did his job, I can't understand your logic there I really can't.