15:24, Thu 23 May
Rab C Nesbitt
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club
As a first team coach?
We replaced him with Robbo. Yeah read that back. And some would be happy for that to continue.
The disrespect is bewildering

I never mentioned Robbo.
If an assistant can't maintain the managers standards for a a month or two then what good is he?
Get rid
I didn’t say you mentioned Robbo. I did. He helped relegate us playing joyless football
Tony Fantastico
15:28, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club

That's really unfair on Venus. He was employed as Mowbray's coach - a trusted coach who he'd worked with for years. Mowbray's good enough for us, so his choice as coach should be good enough. If you're saying that he isn't a good enough manager for us, that's fair enough. Only thing is, he's not a manager.
Make Blues Great Again
15:29, Thu 23 May
We got relegated
15:37, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club

That's really unfair on Venus. He was employed as Mowbray's coach - a trusted coach who he'd worked with for years. Mowbray's good enough for us, so his choice as coach should be good enough. If you're saying that he isn't a good enough manager for us, that's fair enough. Only thing is, he's not a manager.

It's not unfair on Venus at all, he failed us big time.
If you were a restaurant owner and your sous chef had to stand in for your head chef, then he not only just lets standards slip slightly but instead burnt the kitchen down, you would get rid.
15:39, Thu 23 May
If an assistant can't maintain the managers standards for a a month or two then what good is he?
Get rid

Yeah, how f*cking dare he not be able to do a job he wasn't employed to do in the first place.
The cold never bothered me anyway
15:40, Thu 23 May
Rab C Nesbitt
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club
As a first team coach?
We replaced him with Robbo. Yeah read that back. And some would be happy for that to continue.
The disrespect is bewildering

I never mentioned Robbo.
If an assistant can't maintain the managers standards for a a month or two then what good is he?
Get rid

Well assistant manager and manager are two different roles, so not being a success as a manager doesn't reflect on his ability as an assistant manager.
Unless he is desperate to leave, we should keep him on until we have a new manager in post who can decide if Venus fits in.
15:41, Thu 23 May
i wouldn't, i'd appreciate i'd chucked him in above his head, and probably never give him a role like that again
15:42, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club

That's really unfair on Venus. He was employed as Mowbray's coach - a trusted coach who he'd worked with for years. Mowbray's good enough for us, so his choice as coach should be good enough. If you're saying that he isn't a good enough manager for us, that's fair enough. Only thing is, he's not a manager.

It's not unfair on Venus at all, he failed us big time.
If you were a restaurant owner and your sous chef had to stand in for your head chef, then he not only just lets standards slip slightly but instead burnt the kitchen down, you would get rid.

He didn't burn the kitchen down though, he just wasn't very successful as a head chef - if I was a restaurant owner and I sacked my very good sous chef because he wasn't a very good head chef, then I would probably be a moron.
15:45, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club

That's really unfair on Venus. He was employed as Mowbray's coach - a trusted coach who he'd worked with for years. Mowbray's good enough for us, so his choice as coach should be good enough. If you're saying that he isn't a good enough manager for us, that's fair enough. Only thing is, he's not a manager.

It's not unfair on Venus at all, he failed us big time.
If you were a restaurant owner and your sous chef had to stand in for your head chef, then he not only just lets standards slip slightly but instead burnt the kitchen down, you would get rid.

He didn't burn the kitchen down though, he just wasn't very successful as a head chef - if I was a restaurant owner and I sacked my very good sous chef because he wasn't a very good head chef, then I would probably be a moron.

1 point in a 6 game spell is burning the kitchen down.
15:46, Thu 23 May
Rude again. Ruder than before.
It was mistake replacing him.
Tony Fantastico
15:51, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club

That's really unfair on Venus. He was employed as Mowbray's coach - a trusted coach who he'd worked with for years. Mowbray's good enough for us, so his choice as coach should be good enough. If you're saying that he isn't a good enough manager for us, that's fair enough. Only thing is, he's not a manager.

It's not unfair on Venus at all, he failed us big time.
If you were a restaurant owner and your sous chef had to stand in for your head chef, then he not only just lets standards slip slightly but instead burnt the kitchen down, you would get rid.

What a strange analogy. He was asked to step in on a temporary basis for a role that wasn't his. The role that he was actually employed to do he was very competent at. If you don't feel that he's a competent manager, fair enough. He isn't a manager. If you don't feel that he's a competent coach, I suspect that plenty, including Tony Mowbray, would disagree with you.

If you insisted that you asked your reliable centre forward to play in goal, and he let ten goals in, would you get rid of him from the club as being not good enough for your club, or would you think that he's better suited as a striker, and not suited to being a goalkeeper?
Make Blues Great Again
15:58, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club

That's really unfair on Venus. He was employed as Mowbray's coach - a trusted coach who he'd worked with for years. Mowbray's good enough for us, so his choice as coach should be good enough. If you're saying that he isn't a good enough manager for us, that's fair enough. Only thing is, he's not a manager.

It's not unfair on Venus at all, he failed us big time.
If you were a restaurant owner and your sous chef had to stand in for your head chef, then he not only just lets standards slip slightly but instead burnt the kitchen down, you would get rid.

He didn't burn the kitchen down though, he just wasn't very successful as a head chef - if I was a restaurant owner and I sacked my very good sous chef because he wasn't a very good head chef, then I would probably be a moron.

1 point in a 6 game spell is burning the kitchen down.

It really isn't - in a kitchen situation it is like messing up the services for 6 nights, which is to be expected if you drop the head coach role into the lap of a sous chef.
16:03, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club

That's really unfair on Venus. He was employed as Mowbray's coach - a trusted coach who he'd worked with for years. Mowbray's good enough for us, so his choice as coach should be good enough. If you're saying that he isn't a good enough manager for us, that's fair enough. Only thing is, he's not a manager.

It's not unfair on Venus at all, he failed us big time.
If you were a restaurant owner and your sous chef had to stand in for your head chef, then he not only just lets standards slip slightly but instead burnt the kitchen down, you would get rid.

He didn't burn the kitchen down though, he just wasn't very successful as a head chef - if I was a restaurant owner and I sacked my very good sous chef because he wasn't a very good head chef, then I would probably be a moron.

1 point in a 6 game spell is burning the kitchen down.

If you judged a dolphin on its ability to climb trees you'd assess them to be the most stupid of creatures
16:07, Thu 23 May
Linked Image
16:13, Thu 23 May
Linked Image

"I'm a dolphin! I swim. I'm not made to walk or fly. I am different from you. Why can't you understand that?" "Why can't you understand that walking is easy?" snapped the Fox. "Easy for you," cried Dolphin. "You have feet, but I have fins." Fox saw Dolphin's fins for the first time. "I'm sorry, Dolphin, I thought all animals had feet and fur too." Dolphin Up a Tree! conveys an important message of cooperation, a recognition of one's own talents and abilities, and an appreciation of the differences in others