16:16, Thu 23 May
Tree climbing Dolphins I can understand but a talking fox is just ridiculous.
16:17, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

Are you actually saying that Mowbray is thinking about taking another job at the moment!
16:19, Thu 23 May
Rab C Nesbitt
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club
As a first team coach?
We replaced him with Robbo. Yeah read that back. And some would be happy for that to continue.
The disrespect is bewildering

I never mentioned Robbo.
If an assistant can't maintain the managers standards for a a month or two then what good is he?
Get rid

But it wasn't normal circumstances was it, his best mate was seriously ill FFS
16:20, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

Are you actually saying that Mowbray is thinking about taking another job at the moment!

No, i'm not saying that at all.

I think Mowbray is the man most fans would want as our manager and would welcome him back at any time with open arms.

However, when he IS fit enough to return to management we may not have a vacancy.... and when we then DO have a vacancy he may not be available.
16:27, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

Are you actually saying that Mowbray is thinking about taking another job at the moment!

No, i'm not saying that at all.

I think Mowbray is the man most fans would want as our manager and would welcome him back at any time with open arms.

However, when he IS fit enough to return to management we may not have a vacancy.... and when we then DO have a vacancy he may not be available.

Which would be fine if everyone was certain Tony will return to management in the future.
Do we even know that he will fully recover from his illness?
16:29, Thu 23 May
Rab C Nesbitt
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club
As a first team coach?
We replaced him with Robbo. Yeah read that back. And some would be happy for that to continue.
The disrespect is bewildering

I never mentioned Robbo.
If an assistant can't maintain the managers standards for a a month or two then what good is he?
Get rid

But it wasn't normal circumstances was it, his best mate was seriously ill FFS

Mowbray had also only had 8 games in charge, he was far from settled in with the squad himself. Previous caretaker spells he has done well when it is actually more of a maintaining standards job - his full record is a 32% win rate from 28 games, not bad for someone doing a job they don't want.
16:32, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

Are you actually saying that Mowbray is thinking about taking another job at the moment!

No, i'm not saying that at all.

I think Mowbray is the man most fans would want as our manager and would welcome him back at any time with open arms.

However, when he IS fit enough to return to management we may not have a vacancy.... and when we then DO have a vacancy he may not be available.

I get that - I did suggest (half jokingly, because I mentioned Rowett) that an interim manager for a season might be a thought, although it must diminish the outright ambition from the interim to get us promoted. I haven't a clue how practical it would be, but I think that most of us would love to see TM return when he's fit. The word of cuation from KRO1970 above though is a relevant one - that's assuming that he's able to and wants to return to management, and even then it might be closer to home.
Make Blues Great Again
16:41, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club

That's really unfair on Venus. He was employed as Mowbray's coach - a trusted coach who he'd worked with for years. Mowbray's good enough for us, so his choice as coach should be good enough. If you're saying that he isn't a good enough manager for us, that's fair enough. Only thing is, he's not a manager.

It's not unfair on Venus at all, he failed us big time.
If you were a restaurant owner and your sous chef had to stand in for your head chef, then he not only just lets standards slip slightly but instead burnt the kitchen down, you would get rid.

He didn't burn the kitchen down though, he just wasn't very successful as a head chef - if I was a restaurant owner and I sacked my very good sous chef because he wasn't a very good head chef, then I would probably be a moron.

1 point in a 6 game spell is burning the kitchen down.

It really isn't - in a kitchen situation it is like messing up the services for 6 nights, which is to be expected if you drop the head coach role into the lap of a sous chef.

Can someone please get this man locked up. The anology is criminal
16:47, Thu 23 May
Can you all stop effing quoting posts, just reply and stop clogging shit up!
16:49, Thu 23 May
Any news on what's happening with him?

Not seen anything mentioned so far but I'm guessing something will be announced after the new manager comes in as to whether he stays or goes.

Presumably we’re still paying him for sitting around watching Crown Court. Doesn’t snt matter, he seems like a nice enough fella.

Might have been a good idea to put Mowbray on gardening leave too so that he can't go elsewhere without us saying so (obviously when he's well) and he's there to call upon when our next manager fails to live up/down to expectations

I was under the impression we didn't have to pay off Mowbray?

As for Venus, he has shown he is not the standard we want at this club

That's really unfair on Venus. He was employed as Mowbray's coach - a trusted coach who he'd worked with for years. Mowbray's good enough for us, so his choice as coach should be good enough. If you're saying that he isn't a good enough manager for us, that's fair enough. Only thing is, he's not a manager.

It's not unfair on Venus at all, he failed us big time.
If you were a restaurant owner and your sous chef had to stand in for your head chef, then he not only just lets standards slip slightly but instead burnt the kitchen down, you would get rid.

Yes, because being a Chef is EXACTLY like being a football coach/manager
Up the feckin Blues
16:50, Thu 23 May
Tree climbing Dolphins I can understand but a talking fox is just ridiculous.

I dunno, they did make a song about it. Must be quite common
16:52, Thu 23 May
Can you all stop effing quoting posts, just reply and stop clogging shit up!

Sure thing, boss.
Make Blues Great Again
16:53, Thu 23 May
Can you all stop effing quoting posts, just reply and stop clogging shit up!

Up the feckin Blues
16:54, Thu 23 May
Can you all stop effing quoting posts, just reply and stop clogging shit up!

On it!
16:57, Thu 23 May
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Can you all stop effing quoting posts, just reply and stop clogging shit up!


yea a really good idea