07:42, Sun 31 Mar
All episodes now available on iplayer πŸ‘
09:36, Sun 31 Mar
It’s shit
09:59, Sun 31 Mar
Fat Buddha CBE
It’s shit

Jesus, you’re so tedious at times
10:05, Sun 31 Mar
Thank you.
10:39, Sun 31 Mar
All episodes now available on iplayer πŸ‘

Hope its better that that 'peaky' nonsense, I know people go mad for it but watched 30 mins and gave up.
10:41, Sun 31 Mar
All episodes now available on iplayer πŸ‘

Hope its better that that 'peaky' nonsense, I know people go mad for it but watched 30 mins and gave up.

You weren’t a fan of Peaky Blinders?
"we don't even know why we're here - we're all just wandering around, doing daft things, killing time, until we die; that's why Frisbee's been invented..." (Karl Pilkington 2013)
10:42, Sun 31 Mar
Not enough tits and explosions for ya πŸ˜„
12:40, Sun 31 Mar
Finally we have someone now known worldwide in SK who wants to showcase the city, builds new studio, bring revenue into the city, works with the new Blues owners and then too many (here on SHA) just happy just to run what he does down.

If someone else was doing this in London, Manchester, Leeds or Sheffield etc etc then you would hear moaning about why cant it be done here in the second city.

Looking forward to watching later today. πŸ‘πŸ’™
Turn left when you get on a plane.
12:54, Sun 31 Mar
Was saying on the phone to someone early this morning, its great to see what's happened to the old run down canal warehouse on Fazeley Street, which was a ruin when I passed it 2 years ago, now a TV film studio, along with the one a little further down, just really couldn't get into Peaky Blinders but I know it was hugely popular and bought a new profile to very much a forgotten area between London and the North west.

I hope I enjoy the latest series more, but I can't force myself to like things.
14:03, Sun 31 Mar
Maybe give it a little longer than 30 mins
22:13, Sun 31 Mar
Having watched them all today, I found all the Zulu and Chelmsley references very cringe inducing.

Blues related decorations are all at least accurate to the time or late 70s.

No mention of the DVBs at all which is a bonus.

The series isn't really about music which it was portrayed as in the media originally.

Poorly executed This is England imitation.
22:20, Sun 31 Mar
Why, when I Google image search 'Happy Trooper Pub Chelmsley Wood" does nothing come up?

Consistently correct and proven right.
22:20, Sun 31 Mar
I've enjoyed it so far.
22:26, Sun 31 Mar
Why, when I Google image search 'Happy Trooper Pub Chelmsley Wood" does nothing come up?

That first episode has set the scene, I like the concurrent main character beginnings. I grew up by the Calthorpe Arms so I remember the riots clearly. The red diesel angle is very interesting, no idea if there's any truth in it.