23:09, Tue 2 Apr
Please don’t use the word cringe. Not even in quotation marks. You’re better than that.

Okay .... but my excuse is that i was quoting the use in the post i was answering

"This Town" is a 2024 take on Cliff Richard's "Take Me High" movie - except "Take Me High" was probably more accurate

Steven Knight has sold himself short - he's better than this, and he knows it. Hopefully he will put a bit more deeper thought into his next Brummie project
23:24, Tue 2 Apr
Partly filmed on Mayfield Road, Tyseley, where I was dragged up.
23:33, Tue 2 Apr
Partly filmed on Mayfield Road, Tyseley, where I was dragged up.

Dragged through shit and then kissed clean by an angel
23:48, Tue 2 Apr
Very poetic, and true. They should have you as a roving character in This Town. Going round declaiming.
00:41, Wed 3 Apr
Very poetic, and true. They should have you as a roving character in This Town. Going round declaiming.

It's too late for me now. The dreamboat that i sailed upon has come into the docks.
01:18, Wed 3 Apr

Belting out from the back of the kop.

(Joe Gallagher, for the young uns)
Wire was one of the funniest blokes one could ever meet, wish I could remember the stuff he came out with
07:22, Wed 3 Apr
Watched the first 2 so far and wasen’t expecting one of our lot to playing such a major part. 😄
08:41, Wed 3 Apr
If you add up all the criticisms on this thread you would get an entirely 100% accurate docudrama, with characters played by people who lived on the exact same streets it’s set. Events would happen in real time, complete with travelling scenes for entire episodes. The majority of it needs to be only relatable to people who lived during that time, in the same places and knew the real world people.
09:13, Wed 3 Apr
I quite like recognising all the areas and watching a character walk up a set of steps in Bromford and arrive on a landing in Coventry city centre. It gives a tiny little insight into film production. I'm sure people living in London would be humoured by some of our conversation on here, very small-time in a way. Wasn't Trainspotting set in Edinburgh but mostly filmed in Glasgow? The desert scene at the start of 'Allied' was filmed in Fuerteventura on a holiday beach...and so on. It's not much of a jump from concrete Spaghetti Junction to the concrete old areas of Cov.
10:39, Wed 3 Apr
Gangsters doesn't need remaking though ... what it really needs is re-showing

I think I've said this before on here. I remembered Gangsters from when I was a kid and thought it was ace, but I was pretty young.

A few years ago I saw the box-set available on DVD so I bought it, fully expecting it to be shit and ruin my memories. Instead what I found was that it had actually dated very well and - obviously allowing for the passage of time - it stood up. (The first series at least, the second half got a bit too weird even for me).

I also thought it very well represented what Birmingham and a lot of its people were like in the seventies I remembered.

If it were shown now, a lot of people would have infarctions at the language and views expressed - it would struggle to get past the opening credits.

I truly believe it should be reshown as a period piece and - what I think is - a very accurate depiction of what life was like in Birmingham, and I'm sure other inner cities for black people in the seventies.

I reckon it would be eye-opening and educational. It probably wouldn't be though, too many people would be busy missing the point.
13:11, Wed 3 Apr

Belting out from the back of the kop.

(Joe Gallagher, for the young uns)
Wire was one of the funniest blokes one could ever meet, wish I could remember the stuff he came out with

from what i’ve read this is the guy who came up with Tin Of Salmon, that alone is worth being immortalised by name reference in This Town alone !
I have been trying to figure out who the nightclub gangster boss is meant to be and where's the club located as Subway on Livery Street is the only arches club I can think of.
18:59, Wed 3 Apr
"I have been trying to figure out who the nightclub gangster boss is meant to be"

Is it meant to be anyone in particular ? ... certainly not Fewtrell, that's for sure

I took it as being a charicature of how Robert Carlyle would play Sting's role of Mr Finney in the Newcastle nightclub film Stormy Monday. (Melanie Griffith's finest hour).

In fact there's a LOT of plot similarities (with contexts changed) between This Town and Stormy Monday ... but i'm mindful of that fact that i've watched all the "This Town" episodes and others haven't - so i'm not going to list those similarities, or detailed criticisms, until everyone has caught up

PS - Stormy Monday is very under-rated as a film considering it's 36 years old now

Here you go ... very reminiscent (PS - there were a lot of dialogue crossovers between Stormy Monday and Peaky Blinders too.

This is Stormy Monday - but i won't post where i think the "This Town" crossovers are

19:11, Wed 3 Apr
Absolute Shite, tired of the None-story and Plastic Brummie accents,though I thought Michael Dokery was Gorgeous.
19:14, Wed 3 Apr
"I have been trying to figure out who the nightclub gangster boss is meant to be"

Is it meant to be anyone in particular ? ... certainly not Fewtrell, that's for sure

I took it as being a charicature of how Robert Carlyle would play Sting's role of Mr Finney in the Newcastle nightclub film Stormy Monday. (Melanie Griffith's finest hour).

In fact there's a LOT of plot similarities (with contexts changed) between This Town and Stormy Monday ... but i'm mindful of that fact that i've watched all the "This Town" episodes and others haven't - so i'm not going to list those similarities, or detailed criticisms, until everyone has caught up

PS - Stormy Monday is very under-rated as a film considering it's 36 years old now

Here you go ... very reminiscent (PS - there were a lot of dialogue crossovers between Stormy Monday and Peaky Blinders too.

This is Stormy Monday - but i won't post where i think the "This Town" crossovers are

PS ... this was MG in Stormy Monday - despite what critics say i think she carried a difficut part well