09:23, Wed 3 Apr
That’s about how much I’d expect for a midweek night game, but we need more than 17k imo. For me, a big factor in the performance and win Monday was the big crowd.
My Blue Heaven
People can get a Cardiff ticket for 15 quid, there will be about 17k there

I think whilst the match pricing structure needs looking at, I think we won’t see regular larger gates until we are a top 6 side or looking likely to be challenging

I think there'll be over 20k there for Cardiff.

The deal for Boro and Watford came out the day before the game, it was always going to have limited impact.

Consistently correct and proven right.
09:26, Wed 3 Apr
I’m know my posts are a massive factor in getting the ground filled but it’s exhausting. I can’t keep doing it on my own. Come on Blues, support your club!

In 5 weeks time you’ll all be moaning about shopping with your Mrs.
09:41, Wed 3 Apr
I've just seen the tweets. The point on material uncertainty on going concern in the auditors report sounds worse than it is.

Going concern, for anybody who doesn't know, is the concept that a business can continue to operate for the next 12 months.

When preparing year end financial statements, there are two main basis' for doing so which is chosen by the directors of a company.

These are the going concern basis and the winding up basis. The going concern basis, is as above, the directors believe that the company will continue to be in operation in 12 months time, the winding up basis is that the directors believe that the company will not exist in 12 months time.

In every single audit, the auditors will assess the choice of the directors regarding the preparation basis and pass comment on whether they believe the directors choice was appropriate. The reason that much emphasis is put on this, is because for potential investors it provides assurance that the company will still be around.

If auditors believe that the wrong choice of preparation has been chosen by the directors (ie the directors choose going concern but the auditors think winding up should have been used), then they would basically not sign off on the accounts and resign, or they would put in their report to basically not trust the accounts.

Which brings us to blues. The auditors have reviewed the accounts and are basically saying, although there are losses and the owners will need to provide £58m in capital, they believe that the processes in place confirms that this will be put in by the owners.
09:57, Wed 3 Apr
What is their spending power? Most of the monies they manage belong to their investors NOT Knighthead. We cannot rely on them to be our Sugar Daddy. They have some challenges in the US given what's happened to their Hertz investment of late!


They are bright enough to find ways to increase our revenues and making more than we spend is the path to a sustainable business model.

There is a saying in investment that price is what you pay and value is what you get. We are getting rid of some high earning players soon. There is nothing to say cheaper replacements will be worse footballers or make a worse team. The coaching and motivation is a critical component. There are endless examples of bargain players being forged into a good team and earning promotion.

Ser Tait
utilise the spending power of knighthead.
10:07, Wed 3 Apr
The price cap wouldn't work.
We have something like 14,000 paying between £1 and £20 a game.
It's only the non ST holders and away fans affected by matchday prices.
You are immediately losing £ from away fans by cutting prices. So you have to attract nearly 1,000 extra fans just to make up for that. On top of that we sell tickets for attractive games at high prices and they don't sell for unattractive one at lower prices anyway.
10:07, Wed 3 Apr
I might have missed it mate, but £54.9M losses now over the last Three years.

I believe £39M is allowed, if the owners cover £24M of the shortfall. How did/are we circumnavigating EFL FFP rules ? Surely we've failed for that period. And barring an £11M profit this season, we're going to fail the next 3 year rolling period too ?
10:09, Wed 3 Apr
Oh I'm not suggesting we won't be okay.

My question is how do we increase revenue to be able to really utilise the spending power of knighthead. At the moment it is something we cannot do.

I think it has to be smart buys. Loans creative accounting and basically, the promised land.

I think considering the fact weve been mincing around in the championship for so long with chinese ownership its astonishing we havent yet succumbed to relegation. If we COULD do it, i feel that prem football and the associated fortunes that come with it incl. Increased ticket sales and sponsorship, is the only way were going to see optimum revenue.

Or stick a pool table in the tilton and I'll singlehandedly save the bastardin club.
10:09, Wed 3 Apr
I might have missed it mate, but £54.9M losses now over the last Three years.

I believe £39M is allowed, if the owners cover £24M of the shortfall. How did/are we circumnavigating EFL FFP rules ? Surely we've failed for that period. And barring an £11M profit this season, we're going to fail the next 3 year rolling period too ?

You have missed it.

Operating losses are not the same as losses for PSR purposes, as there is stuff you can add money back in for.

We. Have. Not. Failed.

If we had, believe you me, we'd effing know about it.


The calculation for you:

Linked Image

What I'd like to see is us do what Ipswich have done and show this in our accounts - page 4 of this link: [s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com]
10:12, Wed 3 Apr
It's about to be a gargantuan summer where the playing squad is completely revitalised and you've got people thinking we're going bust...
10:18, Wed 3 Apr
It's about to be a gargantuan summer where the playing squad is completely revitalised and you've got people thinking we're going bust...

Definitely not going bust, due to wealthy backers. But I don't think we can go and spend an infinite amount of money on players, without upsetting the rest of the league.
10:21, Wed 3 Apr
I'm not sure if you've not listened to Cook or Wagner for the last year, but everything they have said is around increasing revenue to be able to spend more.
That will be done through commercial deals, sponsorship deals, corporate offerings etc.

Whilst I get that improved attendances will increase revenue, we will make more money in a year off the stadium naming deal alone than we will in ticket sales for the whole season.

But its not just increasing revenue, blues need to recruit much better/smarter. We are finally free of the last of Dong's big contracts this summer, that will be a massive financial weight off the clubs shoulders.
We need to keep producing through our academy and yes, ideally keep onto our own talent, but we have to accept that players will move on, but for the going rate, not cut-price deals as we have seen in the past.
10:22, Wed 3 Apr
It's about to be a gargantuan summer where the playing squad is completely revitalised and you've got people thinking we're going bust...

I feel for Mayor, he's had people hanging on his every word for the past decade and now we're sorted people are just ignoring him saying it's fine so they can worry.

Must drive him potty.

The man from Chelmsley, he say ok.

Consistently correct and proven right.
10:23, Wed 3 Apr
Tbf eff the rest of the league. This summer is the start of a new cycle. If we recruit well, the other two years can potentially be all about win bonuses being our sorry 👍 uptfb
10:23, Wed 3 Apr
It's about to be a gargantuan summer where the playing squad is completely revitalised and you've got people thinking we're going bust...

Definitely not going bust, due to wealthy backers. But I don't think we can go and spend an infinite amount of money on players, without upsetting the rest of the league.

Oh they're going to be upset alright when we start taking their players.

"Why would he go to Birmingham *laughing emoji x 3"

"Waah FFP, waaah points deductions"

"Where have Birmingham got all their money from?"

All these people not realising we're literally getting paid to tweet.

Can't wait.

Consistently correct and proven right.