10:38, Wed 3 Apr
You're right Taity, having wealthy owners is one thing but generating the revenue to spend is something else entirely.

With Digbeth changing all the time, maybe trying to find a way to get more people doing their pre & post match drinking & eating in the stadium would help?

I don't mean the Corporate stuff, but the everyday supporter. A few more thousands spending their cash in the ground on their beer etc.. would generate decent enough income (although maybe not the millions we need!).
My Blue Heaven
Tbf eff the rest of the league. This summer is the start of a new cycle. If we recruit well, the other two years can potentially be all about win bonuses being our sorry đź‘Ť uptfb

That's not how it works. It's not three years then back to zero, it's a three year rolling period.

These accounts complete the three years for 20/21, 21/22 and 22/23.

The next accounts will then make the cycle for 21/22, 22/23 and 23/24.

We've made losses of 54m excluding the p&l exemptions in 21/22 and 22/23 and therefore the 23/24 figures are going to need to have seen an improvement on those losses. The increased revenue, sponsorship deals etc will have done that to keep us within the £39m three year rolling loss.

Then for the three year period 22/23, 23/24 and 24/25 we will have dropped off the loss from 21/22 and have more wriggle room back up to 39m should we feel the need to use it.
10:40, Wed 3 Apr
That’s why they’re setting up the fan park.

The truth of it is the only people who know exactly how much money we have to spend this summer are either employed by or own the club. Berks on Twitter who go through clubs accounts for a living won’t have any clue on how much all of the sponsorship deals blues have done over the last near year are worth.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
10:41, Wed 3 Apr
My Blue Heaven
Tbf eff the rest of the league. This summer is the start of a new cycle. If we recruit well, the other two years can potentially be all about win bonuses being our sorry đź‘Ť uptfb

It's a rolling Three year cycle for FFP.
10:42, Wed 3 Apr
Not if Wagner doesn’t want it to be
10:44, Wed 3 Apr
Until revenue has increased significantly we are going to have to be very careful with our recruitment. Players on the wage bill need to be justifying their wages with performances on the pitch. Neil Eteridge is on mega money and has played 6 times in 2 years.
10:45, Wed 3 Apr
El Mayor
I might have missed it mate, but £54.9M losses now over the last Three years.

I believe £39M is allowed, if the owners cover £24M of the shortfall. How did/are we circumnavigating EFL FFP rules ? Surely we've failed for that period. And barring an £11M profit this season, we're going to fail the next 3 year rolling period too ?

You have missed it.

Operating losses are not the same as losses for PSR purposes, as there is stuff you can add money back in for.

We. Have. Not. Failed.

If we had, believe you me, we'd effing know about it.


The calculation for you:

Linked Image

What I'd like to see is us do what Ipswich have done and show this in our accounts - page 4 of this link: [s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com]

Link doesn't seem to be associated with a document?

When I tried to look at heir accounts on the ITFC website they are password protected. Very helpful.

I agree that the reconciliation from the accounts to the P&S figure should be a mandatory disclosure for clubs.
10:46, Wed 3 Apr
Also I’m sure we will sell a player or two in the summer which will give us even more room.

James will be off I’d assume.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
10:46, Wed 3 Apr
We’ve just added 20 odd million haven’t we?
10:49, Wed 3 Apr
My Blue Heaven
We’ve just added 20 odd million haven’t we?

To what ?
10:49, Wed 3 Apr
i think they should make the rolling thresholds the same in EFL and EPL, that would simplify things and be more overt and stop clubs like Leicester et al skewing the finances by flitting between divisions and floating between rules/thresholds

just adds to the smoke and mirrors and we know other teams in this vicinity who benefitted from this

with the obscene money EPL clubs are subsidised there’s no real reason why any of them are running at losses
Interesting one re James, pretty big drop off in form since the January interest. I can't imagine it'll put potential off suitors too much but have we lost a bit of bargaining power?
10:51, Wed 3 Apr
Its £6 million per season I think. Anyone more ITK please correct me.
10:52, Wed 3 Apr
Revenue, over the next few years
At some point the momentum will turn, it won't be specifically based on a league position but people will feel it and start to come back.

This - I feel some are ignoring our recent/mid term history. To say that our support has been under the cosh a bit is an understatement.
Yes we somehow stayed in this division up to now where the likes of Derby, Sunderland etc haven't (largely by luck and others being even worse or getting hit with big points deductions) but to say it's been grim as a Blues fan for a decade or more is fair, I'd say.

Given some true hope, given us looking like we'll be fighting at the right end of the table, official news of the new ground and sports quarter, some good signings and a bit of a winning run on the pitch...you watch things change.
Up the feckin Blues