18:44, Wed 15 May
So everyone will just go back to blaming the referee every time a decision goes against them.

Yeah, but I think that was better than VAR.

People can accept a poor referee with one look at something much more easily than a qualified referee slowing down the game and reviewing all possible angles...

... And then STILL getting the decision wrong
18:48, Wed 15 May
Overreach is the thing here. Am all in favour of a mechanism that rules out "goals" which are given despite being 3yds offside or punched into the net, but if it takes more than 5 secs to decide then it shouldn't be being looked at.
masqueraiding as a intelligent person
18:51, Wed 15 May
So everyone will just go back to blaming the referee every time a decision goes against them.

Yeah, but I think that was better than VAR.

People can accept a poor referee with one look at something much more easily than a qualified referee slowing down the game and reviewing all possible angles...

... And then STILL getting the decision wrong

The worst thing about VAR isn’t the fact of what it is, I do believe it was introduced with the best of intentions, but it’s sanitised the game…

it’s taken away that momentary Joy, Jubilation, Raw Passion and Emotion out of the game we all love.
You cannot celebrate a goal, you are stripped of that organic feeling that only a football fan can feel.

Just get rid, as you say I think people can accept a mistake, we’ve lived it with since the beginning of time.
18:52, Wed 15 May
So everyone will just go back to blaming the referee every time a decision goes against them.

Yep, I've made a note of everyone moaning on this thread.
If I hear one complaint about reffing decisions in the Prem in the future if VAR goes, I'm reporting the lot of em.

Now then.
Up the feckin Blues
18:58, Wed 15 May
i'm on the fence

its current form is terrible and clearly not working, i agree with most of the Dingle's points on it

but i dont like the idea of horrendous decisions going unchecked, like that handball at Hull which in a parallel universe might have kept us up if disallowed
19:03, Wed 15 May
i'm on the fence

its current form is terrible and clearly not working, i agree with most of the Dingle's points on it

but i dont like the idea of horrendous decisions going unchecked, like that handball at Hull which in a parallel universe might have kept us up if disallowed

I'm in the same boat, it can be made to work and improve the game, but they aren't doing that. They've made a great idea a pariah to most fans.
I don't worry too much about it as it doesn't affect us, will be interesting to see the outcome.
A geezer on the radio reckoned most managers are in favour, with caveats, no idea where he got the info from though.
Up the feckin Blues
19:10, Wed 15 May
i'm on the fence

its current form is terrible and clearly not working, i agree with most of the Dingle's points on it

but i dont like the idea of horrendous decisions going unchecked, like that handball at Hull which in a parallel universe might have kept us up if disallowed

Flip side - the Caddis goal at Bolton would probably have been ruled out with VAR because of Spector's push on a Bolton player in the buildup.
19:11, Wed 15 May
Coventry would also have had one of the best comebacks in FA Cup history against United this year had it not been for VAR
19:15, Wed 15 May
If it was any good then everyone outside the premier League would be calling for it. The fact no one wants it in the Championship or L1 speaks volumes.
19:26, Wed 15 May
i'm on the fence

its current form is terrible and clearly not working, i agree with most of the Dingle's points on it

but i dont like the idea of horrendous decisions going unchecked, like that handball at Hull which in a parallel universe might have kept us up if disallowed

Flip side - the Caddis goal at Bolton would probably have been ruled out with VAR because of Spector's push on a Bolton player in the buildup.

But it might not, because it's still subjective in many cases.
Make Blues Great Again
After well over 100 years, there’s finally a point to Wolves’ existence. The good news story of the year.
19:48, Wed 15 May
A list was compiled as to why they want this vote

● Impact on goal celebrations and the spontaneous passion that makes football special.

● Frustration and confusion inside stadiums due to lengthy VAR checks and poor communication.

● A more hostile atmosphere with protests, booing of the Premier League anthem and chants against VAR.

● Overreach of VAR’s original purpose to correct clear and obvious mistakes, now overanalysing subjective decisions and compromising the game’s fluidity and integrity.

● Diminished accountability of on-field officials, due to the safety net of VAR, leading to an erosion of authority on the pitch.

● Continued errors despite VAR, with supporters unable to accept human error after multiple views and replays, damaging confidence in officiating standards.

● Disruption of the Premier League’s fast pace with lengthy VAR checks and more added time, causing matches to run excessively long.

● Constant discourse about VAR decisions often overshadowing the match itself, and tarnishing the reputation of the league.

● Erosion of trust and reputation, with VAR fuelling completely nonsensical allegations of corruption.

This story was broken by the Athletic's David Ornstein

#EPL #PremierLeague #var #fa #England

this is the list that Wolves compiled in their case to scrap it???… very eloquent and i agree with all points 100%. it has to go doesn’t it
19:51, Wed 15 May
So everyone will just go back to blaming the referee every time a decision goes against them.

Yeah, but I think that was better than VAR.

People can accept a poor referee with one look at something much more easily than a qualified referee slowing down the game and reviewing all possible angles...

... And then STILL getting the decision wrong

People can’t accept it though. Prior to VAR referees were getting death threats.
20:07, Wed 15 May
So everyone will just go back to blaming the referee every time a decision goes against them.

Yeah, but I think that was better than VAR.

People can accept a poor referee with one look at something much more easily than a qualified referee slowing down the game and reviewing all possible angles...

... And then STILL getting the decision wrong

People can’t accept it though. Prior to VAR referees were getting death threats.
VAR fails again. Now they get death threats because of VAR
Tony Fantastico
20:13, Wed 15 May

VAR has led to a 14% fall in errors in major decisions.

Does anyone really want a return to more gross errors like Bowyer being called offside in the Carling Cup Final?

Better communication would make VAR a lot better.