09:47, Thu 23 May
Jesus fvcccking Christ

Probably more chance of him signing than Moyes.
09:48, Thu 23 May
Sid James
If this was a bit of satire, I'd say it was really well done. Genuinely made me laugh.

I don't think it is though....

This is further evidence of the problem the new manager is going to come in to though. Everyone agrees that the board have got it wrong (even though they haven't made a decision yet) but no-one even vaguely agrees on what "right" is. Unless the owners can convince someone who should be getting top of the Championship jobs (or better) to join us, lots are going to complain and say it's lacking ambition.

New manager is on a hiding to nothing.

People will pick holes in every appointment rather than backing the club and realising we have to pull together.

Nobody will be satisfied. The board cannot win.

Not sure about that. Tony Mowbray was pretty well received
09:49, Thu 23 May
Sid James
If this was a bit of satire, I'd say it was really well done. Genuinely made me laugh.

I don't think it is though....

This is further evidence of the problem the new manager is going to come in to though. Everyone agrees that the board have got it wrong (even though they haven't made a decision yet) but no-one even vaguely agrees on what "right" is. Unless the owners can convince someone who should be getting top of the Championship jobs (or better) to join us, lots are going to complain and say it's lacking ambition.

New manager is on a hiding to nothing.

People will pick holes in every appointment rather than backing the club and realising we have to pull together.

Nobody will be satisfied. The board cannot win.

In many ways our fanbase has been more critical of the new owners than they were of BSHL.

I wonder what the reaction would be this summer, if we were about to employ a QPR coach who's only previous managerial job was Kidderminster? But nobody seemed to complain when we brought Eustace in.

Price of raising expectations I suppose.
09:51, Thu 23 May
Le Mod
So give us a decent manager, decent football to go with the now decent stadium, like they’ve said they want to do from day one!

I'm pretty sure they're trying, why don't we wait and see what actually happens

We shall see.
They got Tony correct so that does give me some optimism.
09:52, Thu 23 May
Sid James
If this was a bit of satire, I'd say it was really well done. Genuinely made me laugh.

I don't think it is though....

This is further evidence of the problem the new manager is going to come in to though. Everyone agrees that the board have got it wrong (even though they haven't made a decision yet) but no-one even vaguely agrees on what "right" is. Unless the owners can convince someone who should be getting top of the Championship jobs (or better) to join us, lots are going to complain and say it's lacking ambition.

New manager is on a hiding to nothing.

People will pick holes in every appointment rather than backing the club and realising we have to pull together.

Nobody will be satisfied. The board cannot win.

TBF the fans were pretty united when TM was brought to the club and no one was really picking holes on him
09:52, Thu 23 May
Blues fans are a strange old bunch.

You go from the delusional 'why don't we go for Cooper or Potter' to the pashun merchants who want Bruce back or would cream themselves over Warnock getting it.

Dullards, the lot of 'em.
09:52, Thu 23 May
Le Mod
So give us a decent manager, decent football to go with the now decent stadium, like they’ve said they want to do from day one!

I'm pretty sure they're trying, why don't we wait and see what actually happens

We shall see.
They got Tony correct so that does give me some optimism.

It's them who wanted to change the old blues mindset - got to do that with actions now. That's a big reason for fans ambition at the minute, we're trying to think as big as Knighthead have thought. It has to apply to the pitch too otherwise there's no point.
09:53, Thu 23 May
Firstly thank you Mr Wagner for what you’re doing with your money and vision for the clubs future.

PLEASE can you sell your clubs ambition and future plans with a proven manager.

This manager needs to be in charge for the foreseeable future so we can have a vision and way forward.

PLEASE appoint David Moyes, with a back up team of John Grounds & A Cole included.

For me personally the most important thing in your life is your time and we all realise as we get older that is so precious.


When was the last time Moyes managed in L1? or Champ? 25 years ago?? And you wanted proven? Furthermore he is the most defensive minded manager I can think of. Great at what he does, do not get me wrong. But to dominate L1...

Not to mention why would he drop from winning a European trophy to competing for the EFL trophy.
09:53, Thu 23 May
Le Mod
So give us a decent manager, decent football to go with the now decent stadium, like they’ve said they want to do from day one!

I'm pretty sure they're trying, why don't we wait and see what actually happens

^^^^^^This....why it even makes a bit of sense👏👏👏👏....it's a shame that PlayStation manager doesn't close for the summer 🙄🙄🙄
09:56, Thu 23 May
Sid James
If this was a bit of satire, I'd say it was really well done. Genuinely made me laugh.

I don't think it is though....

This is further evidence of the problem the new manager is going to come in to though. Everyone agrees that the board have got it wrong (even though they haven't made a decision yet) but no-one even vaguely agrees on what "right" is. Unless the owners can convince someone who should be getting top of the Championship jobs (or better) to join us, lots are going to complain and say it's lacking ambition.

New manager is on a hiding to nothing.

People will pick holes in every appointment rather than backing the club and realising we have to pull together.

Nobody will be satisfied. The board cannot win.

TBF the fans were pretty united when TM was brought to the club and no one was really picking holes on him

Mowbray replaced Rooney. If Neil had been appointed then, he’d have been welcomed in compared to what would happen if he got the job now.
09:56, Thu 23 May
Le Mod
So give us a decent manager, decent football to go with the now decent stadium, like they’ve said they want to do from day one!

I'm pretty sure they're trying, why don't we wait and see what actually happens

We shall see.
They got Tony correct so that does give me some optimism.

It's them who wanted to change the old blues mindset - got to do that with actions now. That's a big reason for fans ambition at the minute, we're trying to think as big as Knighthead have thought. It has to apply to the pitch too otherwise there's no point.

Exactly this!

They’ve even said as much in the open houses and such, the clubs culture needs to change, fans mindset needs to think bigger, better etc.

All my point is, don’t sell us the sunset without the beach to go with it.
This appointment will show the direction they have now chosen, will it be the outlined front footed we’re Birmingham City, or will it be a more take a step back pragmatic approach.

It’ll be interesting to see what they do.
09:57, Thu 23 May
Ray Mac
Le Mod
So give us a decent manager, decent football to go with the now decent stadium, like they’ve said they want to do from day one!

I'm pretty sure they're trying, why don't we wait and see what actually happens

^^^^^^This....why it even makes a bit of sense👏👏👏👏....it's a shame that PlayStation manager doesn't close for the summer 🙄🙄🙄

Football Manager actually.. it runs for 365 a year.
09:57, Thu 23 May
I would love to see moyes but they guy won the Euro conference league last year with West Ham

We are now in the 3rd tier of English football..

Any championship manager would be a bonus atm
09:58, Thu 23 May
you know Neil has done both at different clubs?

pragmatic also isn't necessarily defensive too, its being realistic and making the best out of what you have.

if we give him a team full of footballers then he'll play football

plus he hasn't even got the job

if we were hiring Warnock or Evans i'd get the fuss but Neil isn't anywhere near that
10:03, Thu 23 May
Price of raising expectations I suppose.

Indeed, talk of ‘World Class’ across the whole football club has raised a lot of fans expectations to levels where then appointing a manager in league 1 is going to be near impossible to hit that level.

It is a huge appointment though, especially if we want to attract players far more capable so we don’t need a full overall as and when we do get promoted.
Tom Wagner - “We plan to commit the resources, in line with EFL guidelines, the skills and the determination needed to deliver transformational improvements for the good of the club and the good of the city. The potential for Birmingham City is unlimited.”