10:03, Thu 23 May
you know Neil has done both at different clubs?

pragmatic also isn't necessarily defensive too, its being realistic and making the best out of what you have.

if we give him a team full of footballers then he'll play football

plus he hasn't even got the job

if we were hiring Warnock or Evans i'd get the fuss but Neil isn't anywhere near that

stop talking sense mate, it doesn't suit this thread one jot
I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay
10:05, Thu 23 May
you know Neil has done both at different clubs?

pragmatic also isn't necessarily defensive too, its being realistic and making the best out of what you have.

if we give him a team full of footballers then he'll play football

plus he hasn't even got the job

if we were hiring Warnock or Evans i'd get the fuss but Neil isn't anywhere near that

I don’t think he’s played decent football wherever he’s been? Must of missed that.

Pragmatic is Eustace and Rowett the model the club and lets be honest most fans so eager to move on from, Neil granted is a slight upgrade on those two due to success with better clubs and players he inherited, but he isn’t the outlined philosophy the ownership creamed for and stated they wanted, he’s far from it.

I do hope he doesnt get the job, that’s just my wish, im done with the Bruce’s, MCleish’s and Rowetts of the world, it’s yesterdays football.
But as has been said it’s just an initial interview, if he gets it it won’t change me going down.. no manger appointment ever has, but as I’ve said in other threads it won’t go well, that’s just my opinion, I don’t rate the guy.
10:12, Thu 23 May
Sid James
If this was a bit of satire, I'd say it was really well done. Genuinely made me laugh.

I don't think it is though....

This is further evidence of the problem the new manager is going to come in to though. Everyone agrees that the board have got it wrong (even though they haven't made a decision yet) but no-one even vaguely agrees on what "right" is. Unless the owners can convince someone who should be getting top of the Championship jobs (or better) to join us, lots are going to complain and say it's lacking ambition.

New manager is on a hiding to nothing.

People will pick holes in every appointment rather than backing the club and realising we have to pull together.

Nobody will be satisfied. The board cannot win.

TBF the fans were pretty united when TM was brought to the club and no one was really picking holes on him

Mowbray replaced Rooney. If Neil had been appointed then, he’d have been welcomed in compared to what would happen if he got the job now.

Well, quite - if Mowbray had replaced Eustace, then I think that the reception would have been more lukewarm than when he replaced Rooney. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutel gutted that TM isn't coming back, but I think that the bar was set so low at the time of Rooney's departure that there weren't many sensible managers who wouldn't have been treated with great enthusiasm. It also has to be remembered that we were choosing from a relatively small pool at that point, being mid season, with most managers in a job. Tony was perfect as it happened, and it might well have been an inspired choice, but it was also one of few that appeared to be readily 'gettable'. I'm pretty sure that Tony wouldn't have entered the club's thinking in their 'Rooney' phase and with the indset that they were publicly displaying at the time.
Make Blues Great Again
10:14, Thu 23 May
This is exactly the right thing to suggest.TW is investing millions as we speak on the ground to increase our revenue streams and I have no doubt that he intends to make our stay in league 1 very short.
Let him decide who he wants as he will be the one putting the money up.
We only know of 1 interview,and we have already decided he’s no good,it’s ridiculous.
In Tom we trust.
10:15, Thu 23 May
its fine not to rate the guy, but lumping him in with Bruce McLeish and Rowett is just wrong.

he played good football at norwich and was decent at sunderland, preston not good, but could well be down to the players/budget he had.

if we recruit the best footballers in league one then he'll have them playing good football

he's 42 as well, he's not a dinosaur.

we are in league one and interviewing a bloke with 3 promotions on his cv, 1 from this divison and 1 from the division above, its not hard to see why we are talking to him.
Yeah - I honestly don't know where this dinosaur narrative has come from?

Let's just trust the clubs data analysis and go from there, he might not even get the job yet.
10:26, Thu 23 May
As someone who has said I don't really want him, I'm not saying he's a dinosaur either. He'd be better than a Rowett, Bruce or Warnock.

I am trusting the club, I'm also just expressing my opinion on the only manager we've been credibly linked with. I'm sure there's other candidates we've spoken to and/or interviewed, but as they're unnamed I can't comment on them.
10:28, Thu 23 May
Firstly thank you Mr Wagner for what you’re doing with your money and vision for the clubs future.

PLEASE can you sell your clubs ambition and future plans with a proven manager.

This manager needs to be in charge for the foreseeable future so we can have a vision and way forward.

PLEASE appoint David Moyes, with a back up team of John Grounds & A Cole included.

For me personally the most important thing in your life is your time and we all realise as we get older that is so precious.


John Grounds ?

Jon, surely
10:36, Thu 23 May
He wouldn't be my first choice either but if I'm being completely honest it's not really based on anything other than him coming across as a bit miserable/uncharismatic.

But, if we did appoint him I'd have no doubts he'd do a decent job and the football would be pretty decent to boot.
10:38, Thu 23 May
Sid James
If this was a bit of satire, I'd say it was really well done. Genuinely made me laugh.

I don't think it is though....

This is further evidence of the problem the new manager is going to come in to though. Everyone agrees that the board have got it wrong (even though they haven't made a decision yet) but no-one even vaguely agrees on what "right" is. Unless the owners can convince someone who should be getting top of the Championship jobs (or better) to join us, lots are going to complain and say it's lacking ambition.

New manager is on a hiding to nothing.

People will pick holes in every appointment rather than backing the club and realising we have to pull together.

Nobody will be satisfied. The board cannot win.

10:38, Thu 23 May
David Xavis
David Moyes ? Why ? How ? Lmao

Why not? This is a big Gig and if Moyes wants a challenge, and not just in it for the money, then it can work
10:41, Thu 23 May
PLEASE appoint Alan Curbishley, with a back up team of Phil Brown & Avram Grant included.
10:44, Thu 23 May
As someone who has said I don't really want him, I'm not saying he's a dinosaur either. He'd be better than a Rowett, Bruce or Warnock.

Yeah, he's not a dinosaur.

Le Mod had it right earlier when he said that probably people allowing their own bias / perception to colour their thinking.

I am certainly doing that because when I look at football I don't do it based on data or analytics, I base it on what I see and have firm opinions about what I do and don't like. I also see beyond results in many ways.

The facts are that Neil has got three teams promoted. He did well at Norwich and Sunderland. Like others have said I don't really judge him by his time at Stoke because Stoke drags everybody down.

My opinion of him is mainly based on his time at Preston when - results wise, he did ok. But they were vile to watch. He brought them to St. Andrew's a couple of times and they made my eyes bleed. They got in front and just murdered the game with constant fouling, falling over, time wasting, snidery and general cheating - and I wouldn't want to win like that. They weren't much better in the games at their place either.

But I absolutely get that if Blues are taking an analytical approach - he would have appeal and would at least get interviewed. It would then be up to him to convince them that he can encourage the football they want to see - go through League One and continue it in The Championship.

I'm sure it's true that he will just be one person interviewed, may or may not get it.

Whoever gets it I will get behind it with an open mind because it's what I do.
10:46, Thu 23 May
Why stop there? Mourinho available, if he wants a challenge and isn't about the money!

10:57, Thu 23 May
Moyes, he's been round the block, managed for 26 years, Championship, Premier League, Europe.

He's worked for big clubs, he's worked for small clubs.

A man who's jaded by his treatment at West Ham and has absolutely nothing left to prove in football.

What better time to think, eff this, let's have some fun. Let's start off a dynasty. He'd also get a fat salary for doing so.

He takes the Blues job, with the best squad in the third division knowing that with the backing he'll get and his own skillset he'll be in the Premier League in 3-4 years about to lead a team out to a new super stadium where the opportunity to grow is endless.

He can either do that or wait for the Bournemouth job, or Fulham or something. A snoozefest. Another name on the merry go round.

I know what I'd choose.

It's literally perfect for him.

Consistently correct and proven right.