13:24, Thu 23 May
Anyone happy with this?


I said the other day that Heckinbottom would get the job. He was in the running before Mowbray got the job.

It's a no from me but I might put £50 on it I'm that confident.

What odds you gettin Rib?
Might be worth a few quid on it tbf
13:28, Thu 23 May
In one of the responses from I assume SU, fan mentioned he’s currently serving a driving ban and that Birmingham would be a better choice for him and family.

I think that’s one of the reasons he turned down Plymouth.
13:56, Thu 23 May
Nikola Zigic- FEA
Moyes, he's been round the block, managed for 26 years, Championship, Premier League, Europe.

He's worked for big clubs, he's worked for small clubs.

A man who's jaded by his treatment at West Ham and has absolutely nothing left to prove in football.

What better time to think, eff this, let's have some fun. Let's start off a dynasty. He'd also get a fat salary for doing so.

He takes the Blues job, with the best squad in the third division knowing that with the backing he'll get and his own skillset he'll be in the Premier League in 3-4 years about to lead a team out to a new super stadium where the opportunity to grow is endless.

He can either do that or wait for the Bournemouth job, or Fulham or something. A snoozefest. Another name on the merry go round.

I know what I'd choose.

It's literally perfect for him.

Whilst this is all true, I fear we are still currently viewed as a basket case to the football world

An ambitious club, but one ran by naive Americans and a CEO who has had an iffy recent history with Wigan and Derby, who has made one of the worst managerial appointments in history, culminating in relegation in the first season, a season which had loads of managers

Now, we know that the future is bright and that the plans are great, and that they've done so much good, there are also lots of mitigating circumstances, but to the outside world we still look mental.
Happy Clapper
14:24, Thu 23 May
Sid James
If this was a bit of satire, I'd say it was really well done. Genuinely made me laugh.

I don't think it is though....

This is further evidence of the problem the new manager is going to come in to though. Everyone agrees that the board have got it wrong (even though they haven't made a decision yet) but no-one even vaguely agrees on what "right" is. Unless the owners can convince someone who should be getting top of the Championship jobs (or better) to join us, lots are going to complain and say it's lacking ambition.

New manager is on a hiding to nothing.

People will pick holes in every appointment rather than backing the club and realising we have to pull together.

Nobody will be satisfied. The board cannot win.

In many ways our fanbase has been more critical of the new owners than they were of BSHL.

I wonder what the reaction would be this summer, if we were about to employ a QPR coach who's only previous managerial job was Kidderminster? But nobody seemed to complain when we brought Eustace in.

Price of raising expectations I suppose.

Expectations that they encouraged and have so far created the opposite results.
14:41, Thu 23 May
In one of the responses from I assume SU, fan mentioned he’s currently serving a driving ban and that Birmingham would be a better choice for him and family.

I think that’s one of the reasons he turned down Plymouth.
Sanderson can pick him up
Tony Fantastico
14:49, Thu 23 May
Nikola Zigic- FEA
Moyes, he's been round the block, managed for 26 years, Championship, Premier League, Europe.

He's worked for big clubs, he's worked for small clubs.

A man who's jaded by his treatment at West Ham and has absolutely nothing left to prove in football.

What better time to think, eff this, let's have some fun. Let's start off a dynasty. He'd also get a fat salary for doing so.

He takes the Blues job, with the best squad in the third division knowing that with the backing he'll get and his own skillset he'll be in the Premier League in 3-4 years about to lead a team out to a new super stadium where the opportunity to grow is endless.

He can either do that or wait for the Bournemouth job, or Fulham or something. A snoozefest. Another name on the merry go round.

I know what I'd choose.

It's literally perfect for him.

Thanks for posting this dude, no bullshit someone on FB has just messaged me asking me if it’s true we’re hiring David Moyes.

14:50, Thu 23 May
but that is why the sacked him

Eustace had no chance of getting us promoted with how he set up his teams

what they didnt expect was that it would get us relegated by removing him

My point is that Eustace knew we werent getting promoted with the group of players we had but the owners thought they were better than they were - they werent. So Eustace got them to gel in the only way they could. Anyone would get the sack on that basis - you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear as all 6 managers proved . We could have had Guardiola in charge and the Board would have sacked him - they were blind to the players inabilities.
14:55, Thu 23 May
Green Seamer
Also remember Managers can only set up teams with the players at their disposal

Look at Zola / clotet playing expansive, possession based football with jukey up top

Rooney playing from back with Ruddy and Sanderson

Neil set his team up at preston cos they had F*ck all money and very little quality

So did Eustace who was smarter than the ones above him who apparently knew better !

Though Mowbray managed it, so it wasn't impossible for a good, experienced manager.

Think we need to remember that TM won 3 games the same as Rowett with the addition of Paik Prtichard (inj) and Dozell - we are not comparing apples with apples with Eustace and Mowbray - yes the football started to look better (marginally) but the results were no different. Sadly through the illness of TM we will never know if the results would have been better BUT many on here would opine we would not have gone down under Eustace and I am one of them.
14:57, Thu 23 May
El Mayor
Thanks for posting this dude, no bullshit someone on FB has just messaged me asking me if it’s true we’re hiring David Moyes.


So, are we?
15:04, Thu 23 May
El Mayor
Thanks for posting this dude, no bullshit someone on FB has just messaged me asking me if it’s true we’re hiring David Moyes.


So, are we?

More chance of me taking Margot Robbie on a date my friend
15:08, Thu 23 May
Green Seamer
Green Seamer
Also remember Managers can only set up teams with the players at their disposal

Look at Zola / clotet playing expansive, possession based football with jukey up top

Rooney playing from back with Ruddy and Sanderson

Neil set his team up at preston cos they had F*ck all money and very little quality

So did Eustace who was smarter than the ones above him who apparently knew better !

Though Mowbray managed it, so it wasn't impossible for a good, experienced manager.

Think we need to remember that TM won 3 games the same as Rowett with the addition of Paik Prtichard (inj) and Dozell - we are not comparing apples with apples with Eustace and Mowbray - yes the football started to look better (marginally) but the results were no different. Sadly through the illness of TM we will never know if the results would have been better BUT many on here would opine we would not have gone down under Eustace and I am one of them.

Mowbray got 3 wins in two less games than Rowett had, which is pretty significant context on that fact.
Obviously we don't know exactly how it would have turned out but the direction seemed pretty clear, we were playing well and creating a decent number of chances.

I agree that we would have stayed up with Eustace but I don't think it is controversial to suggest Mowbray is a better manager at setting sides up to play front foot possession football.
15:09, Thu 23 May
Mowbray also didn’t play the worst 2 sides on his spell. Or teams with their eyes on an FACup Semi Final or the play offs.
Tony Fantastico
15:12, Thu 23 May
Green Seamer
but that is why the sacked him

Eustace had no chance of getting us promoted with how he set up his teams

what they didnt expect was that it would get us relegated by removing him

My point is that Eustace knew we werent getting promoted with the group of players we had but the owners thought they were better than they were - they werent. So Eustace got them to gel in the only way they could. Anyone would get the sack on that basis - you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear as all 6 managers proved . We could have had Guardiola in charge and the Board would have sacked him - they were blind to the players inabilities.

Regardless of what was said by them, I don't think it had anything to do with the style of football or expecting promotion with that set of players. They wanted a big name manager to generate a buzz about the club and it worked in that regard. We were a topic of conversation for every pundit out there. Unfortunately Rooney proved to be a really shit manager so their plan failed. They were never going admit to their reasons for bringing Rooney in much in the same as they'll never admit Tom Brady doesn't actually do anything in his role at the club.
17:33, Thu 23 May
I photographed David Moyes just after he had joined Everton.

What's more impressive though, is that I actually got him to smile.
07:16, Fri 24 May
Green Seamer
but that is why the sacked him

Eustace had no chance of getting us promoted with how he set up his teams

what they didnt expect was that it would get us relegated by removing him

My point is that Eustace knew we werent getting promoted with the group of players we had but the owners thought they were better than they were - they werent. So Eustace got them to gel in the only way they could. Anyone would get the sack on that basis - you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear as all 6 managers proved . We could have had Guardiola in charge and the Board would have sacked him - they were blind to the players inabilities.

Regardless of what was said by them, I don't think it had anything to do with the style of football or expecting promotion with that set of players. They wanted a big name manager to generate a buzz about the club and it worked in that regard. We were a topic of conversation for every pundit out there. Unfortunately Rooney proved to be a really shit manager so their plan failed. They were never going admit to their reasons for bringing Rooney in much in the same as they'll never admit Tom Brady doesn't actually do anything in his role at the club.

Agree. when we look back at the last 9 months there is a trend with the Board and Management which is

We like data
We base our decisions (on the face of it) on data - (QED the Open House 1 where Shuttleworth threw up data and Gardner waffled through it whilst Rooney lent against the wall for the most part)
We pay little or no attention to personal characteristics (QED the queue of injured players and plethora of midfielders)
We have world class ambitions (for everything) hence why shovelling money into the stadium is 'easy' as in there is no grey areas - you design - you build - you refurbish and its looks 'world class' - its just having the vision and the cash to pay third parties - Nick Smith is at the top of his game.
We like Comms - again we appear to be on the top of our game mostly (bar the Eustace departure statement)

Whereas back in the real world

You have to take in to account 'people characteristics' and assess by judgement gut feel, sounding astute observers out, perhaps profiling, match-testing and so on to make sure you have the right fit. Its complex time consuming and vital.

In this area the Board or perhaps more specifically Cook have got this badly misjudged (regerence TWs comment in Open House 2 re Making changes when you have 'momentum'). Rooney, Venus (not his fault but then he shouldnt have been placed in that position ideally if you are doing your 'diligence and probably he didnt want to be either otherwise after 21 years under Mowbray he would have been a number 1 somewhere - but he chose not to be - yet we didnt recognise that and make the decision we should have done) , Cole (has been party to a 'relegation' from Nov to March yet has survived and seems well thought of many in the game) , Gardner C and his recruitment team (McParland now departed) and their selection of players last summer 'looked great'- however the devil was in the detail as we found out. And lastly Rowett who had unfinished business but completed it whilst making bizarre decisions in the key games at Huddersfield and Rotherham which resulted ultimately in our demise. Whilst other clubs with similar budgets 'moneyballed and assessed' we seemingly just acquired what we could. Easy with hindsite but a salutory lesson.

My point being we are good with bricks and mortar we are shampbolic in people assessment and the latter is arguably more important than the former especially when you have cash to splash often you take your eye off the ball - when budgets are tight you work more carefully. We need to work more carefully, and more diligently ingetting the right football people and quick.Just interviewing and being 'in talks' with Managers doesnt cut it in this day and age.

If we are truly to be world class as TW expects then we need to change recruitment, development and culture this Summer.Lets hope they are learning.