20:38, Thu 23 May
Really? No joke?

What's his son said?
20:41, Thu 23 May
Morgan Whittaker is off so there will be funds to rebuild for whoever is the new manager
20:41, Thu 23 May
Louie Donowa
Good luck to him.

eff him. All the shit he's given us since leaving. Saying the fans "never gave him a chance". Blockheaded Scrumpy Jack guzzling scouse prick.
20:42, Thu 23 May
Can you get off the fence and tell us how you really feel?
Tony Fantastico
20:52, Thu 23 May
Deserved more time
20:54, Thu 23 May
Deserved more time
we got relegated anyway, I think he maybe should have had a transfer window to try and change things, but we will never know now shall we if he would have improved us.
20:57, Thu 23 May
I actually worry he does well there and it reflects really badly on us. He will have a pre-season to prepare properly, and they already play a more attractive style of football with players more suited to it.

On the other hand I hope it fails miserably and Plymouth get relegated. Nothing against them personally it'd just be funny to see it wasn't us it's him.

I can’t lie, I’d honestly laugh my bollocks off if he does well there.. And I’m saying that as one of the people who was dead against his appointment here. Objectively it would just undeniably be very funny 😂
21:02, Thu 23 May
I will be amazed if he does well there. We looked genuinely awful under him.

Only way he does well is he finds an amazing no.2.
21:05, Thu 23 May
Can you imagine the shit he's going to get when we play Plymouth at St Andrews?
21:06, Thu 23 May
Another nepotistic appointment, madness, he cannot manage himself let alone a football club.
Happy Clapper
21:06, Thu 23 May
Louie Donowa
Good luck to him.

eff him. All the shit he's given us since leaving. Saying the fans "never gave him a chance". Blockheaded Scrumpy Jack guzzling scouse prick.

Nearly choked on my tea. Say what ya think,,,,
21:07, Thu 23 May
Can you imagine the shit he's going to get when we play Plymouth at St Andrews?

He will be long gone by then!!

I honestly thought he'd take a reset after that job with us and go and take a no.2 somewhere or something, or just be a pundit!

Even watching his pundit work you can tell how he would irk players, he seems so dour and low energy how the hell is he going to inspire a team!
21:09, Thu 23 May
He’s right though. Got boo’d at his first home game for us.
21:09, Thu 23 May
Louie Donowa
Good luck to him.

eff him. All the shit he's given us since leaving. Saying the fans "never gave him a chance". Blockheaded Scrumpy Jack guzzling scouse prick.

Has he really given us a load of shit? I guess if you’re over sensitive you could read it that way. He’s lucky to start at such a high level but big players tend to. Alonso was a pretty big player for example.

Didn’t see much method when he was with us though, plenty of chaos instead.
21:14, Thu 23 May
It wouldn't shock me if Rooney does well, with the right coaches and someone to keep him in check.

His tactics and what he was trying to do were right.

Where it fell down was his man management, a non receptive playing staff. His inability to communicate and stay sober and a lack of time to implement his ideas.

I wish him well and expect him to be either a massive success or a spectacular failure.

If I were to put money on it, I'd go for the latter. But stranger things have happened in football.

Either way it won't be boring and for that Argyle have my support.