21:17, Thu 23 May
Should he take that job, he’ll do alright, and wherever he is, Rosenior will get the credit
21:19, Thu 23 May
I think he might benefit from starting a pre-season at a less chaotic club. I don’t think he’ll pull up any trees, but it might not be a disaster.
21:20, Thu 23 May
Plymouth bound 😂


I can't wait to see how Rooney effs up at Plymouth, seeing them getting relegated and how he'd avoid taking any responsibility for it 😊
21:24, Thu 23 May
Good, does this mean we don't have to listen to him 'ehrrrrrrrrm' - ing his way through the Euros as a pundit?
Up the feckin Blues
21:27, Thu 23 May
It was the wrong time and place for Rooney at blues, if he makes a mess of this one then that’s it for his management ambitions
21:29, Thu 23 May
I think he might benefit from starting a pre-season at a less chaotic club. I don’t think he’ll pull up any trees, but it might not be a disaster.

My thoughts as well.

I personally think if he came to us for pre-season, he would've probably done better than he did and I say that as someone who wanted it to work, but was glad to see the back of him.
21:31, Thu 23 May
We ALL wanted it to work, even me and I was aghast when his name was first mentioned.
All about Blues, innit.
Up the feckin Blues
21:43, Thu 23 May
Including those who booed him from the off?
21:44, Thu 23 May
Louie Donowa
Good luck to him.

eff him. All the shit he's given us since leaving. Saying the fans "never gave him a chance". Blockheaded Scrumpy Jack guzzling scouse prick.

Has he really given us a load of shit? I guess if you’re over sensitive you could read it that way. He’s lucky to start at such a high level but big players tend to. Alonso was a pretty big player for example.

Didn’t see much method when he was with us though, plenty of chaos instead.

Yes, he's moaned on numerous occasions about the fans and not being given enough time. Most sacked managers have the grace to smile and move away from the question instead of being salty.
21:44, Thu 23 May
Including those who booed him from the off?

Come off it. He wasn't booed because he was Rooney. The boos were about JE being sacked.

Many, many fans made an effort to stick with him. Singing his name, staying after hopeless performances, etc.
21:47, Thu 23 May
Spoke to a couple of Plymouth fans I work with and they both said that they are happy to give him a go
21:49, Thu 23 May
On a side note, would that be Rooney off the payroll therefore good for Blues?
21:50, Thu 23 May
‘Many, Many’. A long way from all. He was pretty useless but pretending some of our fans didn’t behave like ar*eholes is a bit selective. So maybe you should ‘come off it’. But then he was a scouser who shagged grannies and said err a lot, and replaces the marvellous John Eustace , which I find hard to pin on him. Harder than some, anyway.
21:52, Thu 23 May
‘Many, Many’. A long way from all. He was pretty useless but pretending some of our fans didn’t behave like ar*eholes is a bit selective. So maybe you should ‘come off it’. But then he was a scouser who shagged grannies and said err a lot, and replaces the marvellous John Eustace , which I find hard to pin on him. Harder than some, anyway.

No mate, you're just chatting shit as usual because you love to play devil's advocate. The vast majority of fans supported him until they didn't. This forum was overwhelmingly in support of him until close to his sacking.
22:03, Thu 23 May
‘Many, Many’. A long way from all. He was pretty useless but pretending some of our fans didn’t behave like ar*eholes is a bit selective. So maybe you should ‘come off it’. But then he was a scouser who shagged grannies and said err a lot, and replaces the marvellous John Eustace , which I find hard to pin on him. Harder than some, anyway.

No mate, you're just chatting shit as usual because you love to play devil's advocate. The vast majority of fans supported him until they didn't. This forum was overwhelmingly in support of him until close to his sacking.

I'm not sure on that, I think most wanted it to work but heavily criticised it and him from early doors.

But what I would say is I think Rooney is massively overegging the shit he got from fans. The abuse first home game was unacceptable, but every single game after that up until Bristol at home we gave him our full backing, and he's not once acknowledged that.