22:06, Thu 23 May
‘Many, Many’. A long way from all. He was pretty useless but pretending some of our fans didn’t behave like ar*eholes is a bit selective. So maybe you should ‘come off it’. But then he was a scouser who shagged grannies and said err a lot, and replaces the marvellous John Eustace , which I find hard to pin on him. Harder than some, anyway.

No mate, you're just chatting shit as usual because you love to play devil's advocate. The vast majority of fans supported him until they didn't. This forum was overwhelmingly in support of him until close to his sacking.

I'm not sure on that, I think most wanted it to work but heavily criticised it and him from early doors.

But what I would say is I think Rooney is massively overegging the shit he got from fans. The abuse first home game was unacceptable, but every single game after that up until Bristol at home we gave him our full backing, and he's not once acknowledged that.

I blame the media who are scared to ask him real questions about his time at blues though. They have just gone with the narrative Rooney has implied rather than challenge him on it, but why?
22:07, Thu 23 May
I was at a few of those games, and read this forum, and all I can say is your memory is a tad faulty. I know football fans like to think of themselves as virtuous, terrifically fair etc and all that.

You obviously know feck all about me, from your characterisation of what I say, so I’ll leave it there. You can take it where the eff you like.
22:08, Thu 23 May
Because most of the pundits working in the media are his mates. Think the only one who ever gave any sort of challenge to him was Keane, the rest all lapped it up.

I do think he was dealt a rough hand at blues. But he handled that woefully and should take some real responsibility for that.
22:09, Thu 23 May
The few that gave him grief were vindicated. He was shite.
22:09, Thu 23 May
I don’t disagree. He was crap, our fans weren’t great in that period either, the team was all over the place.
22:11, Thu 23 May
Poor Plymouth. They can kiss goodbye to any team spirit they had.
22:12, Thu 23 May
I fondly remember threads from the anti-Rooney minority crying about how they were being treated on here. Because most of this forum were telling them to eff off with their whiny negativity.

As you said, Rooney played up the protests of a very small minority of fans, tarred us all with the same brush, and then put us down as the reason he failed so miserably. Which is insane given how, IMO, we were genuinely more patient than 90% of fanbases would have been in the same circumstances.

Drunkenly threatening to fight teenagers on FIFA at 4AM. Red in the face and hanging out his arse whenever he manages to drag himself to a midday Sky interview. I'm embarrassed we were ever associated with him.
22:13, Thu 23 May
I don’t disagree. He was crap, our fans weren’t great in that period either, the team was all over the place.

We weren't at our most supportive at first, but even he must acknowledge that bar the direct abuse he received in the game against Hull, which was just stupid, the anger and booing was aimed at the decision to sack Eustace and not at him.

I went to quite a few games in his tenure home and away and I can't honestly say he had loads of stick. Plymouth distinctly stands out. Bottled what should've been a crucial win, and when he was walking past us everyone was still singing his name. It only turned properly when it was evident he was failing miserably.
22:14, Thu 23 May
Hull aside he was supported fantastically by the fans for far longer than he earned.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
22:16, Thu 23 May
I'm embarrassed we were ever associated with him.

Same. And I said that to a mate the other day (who's not a blues fan), I thought Rooney playing on pro clubs and giving abuse to the likes of angryginge was embarrassing, even if it was in good spirit, and I got told I was weird for that opinion and he was just having banter with a group of lads.

Rooney is 38, married with kids and wants to be (and has been) a professional football manager at a good level.

Ginge is 22 and a fifa content creator.

Never understood why that was a weird opinion.
22:26, Thu 23 May
No leadership qualities so doomed to fail again.

We are probably supporting his wage for the next 2 years but better than 100%.
22:34, Thu 23 May
He'll be sacked by October if he's lucky to last that long.
What a mad appointment if true
22:44, Thu 23 May
‘Many, Many’. A long way from all. He was pretty useless but pretending some of our fans didn’t behave like ar*eholes is a bit selective. So maybe you should ‘come off it’. But then he was a scouser who shagged grannies and said err a lot, and replaces the marvellous John Eustace , which I find hard to pin on him. Harder than some, anyway.

No mate, you're just chatting shit as usual because you love to play devil's advocate. The vast majority of fans supported him until they didn't. This forum was overwhelmingly in support of him until close to his sacking.

Some did but a lot never accepted him right from the start. I tried to defend him on here past the point where I'd kind of given up on him turning it around because lots of our fans never gave him a chance. They made a difficult job even harder. We saw throughout his playing career that he's a passionate bloke and when the fans are against him, he doesn't really rise to the challenge. He lashes out instead...

That's not to say he's a good manager because he's not. Maybe he'll get Plymouth playing ok in League 1 where teams won't press quite as hard and he'll have one of the stronger squads in the division but he's never going to be a success in the Championship or above.
22:48, Thu 23 May
Plymouth stayed up.

I hear what you're saying. I have never once said that every fan backed him. But you can't deny that the vast majority did -- more than and for longer than he deserved, frankly. Pretty incredible given the circumstances surrounding his predecessor's premature removal.

So for him to say that the fans "never took to him from day one" and whatever else, is a effing insult.
22:54, Thu 23 May
That Ryan Deeney fella wrote a good piece on all this. Rooney called out the players, coached them in one discipline, then completely changed to an opposing style of play and call the players out again for not playing the new way. He effed himself with a lack of conviction and a concrete understanding of what he was trying to do. When it failed, he blamed the fans for not buying into him.

There were some who behaved poorly from the start but I agree with you that most backed him, even after it became clear it was never going to work.