09:25, Fri 24 May
Hagley Blue
Le Mod
Fans were chanting his name 10 games in, even though it had been a complete shambles.

He had the opportunity to be a hero at Blues but he wasn’t because he was a crap football manager

Without wishing to open this debate again, let’s not revise history and pretend he was welcomed with open arms here because we all know he wasn’t. In his first home game he was given the most lukewarm reception I can remember any manager being given and there were fans singing “Wayne Rooney your football is shit”.

If he gets the Plymouth job good luck to him.

Correct on the lukewarm reception, and there was some abuse post-match, and if he'd have won games he'd have become a hero.

The fans didn't force him to change formation every game, or play Aiwu virtually on the right wing, or start Juke on his own in a 451, or play Sunjic and Gardner as deep lying play makers in the full back positions, he did it all by himself, and then him blamed everyone else.
Happy Clapper
11:13, Fri 24 May
eff Rooney

As you said brought it all on himself

Spike threatening to headlock him at Leeds was a bit much
11:13, Fri 24 May
One of the problems at Blues was taking over a group of players that liked their previous manager and felt comfortable with the old system.

Starting with a pre season at Plymouth would help a lot. Most people who know him say that he's a good person and is very clever.

I think things would be better at Plymouth than at Blues but it was so awful at Blues I can't see him pulling up any trees. We were giving away around 10 clear chances a game, it was a mess.

" and is very clever"

I think you need to define "clever" in this instance.

After spending a few days in court with his missus, against Vardy's missus, he decided he was going to turn his back on football and become a lawyer and was surprised to learn he would need to get a degree, and spend a few years training, to be one. He left school at 16 with no o'levels (aso a hinderance in getting into Uni to take a law degree) and according to his teachers "no chance of getting an o'level"

When it comes to a general knowledge quiz i bet there isn't one person who posts on here who wouldn't know more than Wayne Rooney

So which part of him is "clever" if you take away any football skill or football knowledge ?

PS .. i reckon Coleen is pretty smart
11:16, Fri 24 May
My Blue Heaven
Spike threatening to headlock him at Leeds was a bit much


I didn't threaten to headlock him, I told him I was going to bang him on his glass chin - let's have it right.
11:19, Fri 24 May
11:23, Fri 24 May
Le Mod
The fans didn't force him to change formation every game, or play Aiwu virtually on the right wing
better than playing him in defence tbf
11:26, Fri 24 May
Lack of qualifications/general knowledge doesn't mean a person isn't clever. I don't really know anything about Rooney except that he wasn't great at managing Blues.

From reading comments about him from people who know him he appears to be thought of as emotionally intelligent, funny and smart. Maybe clever isn't the right word.
11:28, Fri 24 May
Lack of qualifications/general knowledge doesn't mean a person isn't clever. I don't really know anything about Rooney except that he wasn't great at managing Blues.

From reading comments about him from people who know him he appears to be thought of as emotionally intelligent, funny and smart. Maybe clever isn't the right word.

"from people who know him" so "not as thick as the people he hangs around with and works with" is what you actually mean.... i mean, come on ... every fecker knows you can't just go and be a lawyer standing up in court without some qualifications
11:28, Fri 24 May
If they lose Whittaker and appoint Rooney they will be an absolute shoe in for relegation

Barmey that he could be given another job in the championship
11:29, Fri 24 May
Lack of qualifications/general knowledge doesn't mean a person isn't clever. I don't really know anything about Rooney except that he wasn't great at managing Blues.

From reading comments about him from people who know him he appears to be thought of as emotionally intelligent, funny and smart. Maybe clever isn't the right word.

He didn't show any of that at Blues.

Though to be fair, it did seem at Man Utd, given how he was used, that Ferguson trusted him more than the other attacking players to be able to adapt to different tactical roles and have the discipline to do them, which suggests he was probably the brightest of the attacking players.
11:33, Fri 24 May
Lack of qualifications/general knowledge doesn't mean a person isn't clever. I don't really know anything about Rooney except that he wasn't great at managing Blues.

From reading comments about him from people who know him he appears to be thought of as emotionally intelligent, funny and smart. Maybe clever isn't the right word.

He didn't show any of that at Blues.

Though to be fair, it did seem at Man Utd, given how he was used, that Ferguson trusted him more than the other attacking players to be able to adapt to different tactical roles and have the discipline to do them, which suggests he was probably the brightest of the attacking players.

that would be because he's an incredibly talented footballer and therefore able to adpat those football skills to different football situations ..... the description here was of him being "clever" without reference to football.

I dispute that.

Drink driving, shagging prostitutes who know who you are and that you are famous, cheating on his missus several times .... not "emotionally intelligen"t behaviour in my book. I don't judge him on those things - but i do when it comes to someone describing him as clever and emotionally intelligent
11:34, Fri 24 May
Genius footballer, one of the best if not the best England have produced

Appalling manager, appalling person

Professional sportsman that now looks like a coach driver. Shameful. Fat sack of shit
11:35, Fri 24 May
spent the last few weeks playing Fifa with Pieface now he's managing his team

Someone on another forum said he has morphed into Grisly Adams😂