Almost feel sorry for you lot. Big changes coming, but for a fanbase that has developed a fully rounded superiority complex, so many of you are panicking about it, instead of welcoming the competition and what it will do for our City
Up the feckin Blues
18:45, Mon 15 Apr
Almost feel sorry for you lot. Big changes coming, but for a fanbase that has developed a fully rounded superiority complex, so many of you are panicking about it, instead of welcoming the competition and what it will do for our City

Don’t feel sorry, they will be replaced.

They can go watch Walsall or something.
Edward Ian Armchair
the Mark One shower?
Wasn't that Triton?
19:04, Mon 15 Apr
Just had one say to me in the gym and I quote, how are Blues gonna fill a 60,000 stadium, most of them are unemployed. And he wasen’t joking.
Told him he summed up vile’s support perfectly.
19:04, Mon 15 Apr
Edward Ian Armchair
When are we actually going to wake up and realised that we've been sold a pipe dream. Do you honestly think that after ploughing £35 million into St Andrews this summer just to get it through another season, that they're going to build on the Wheels site? How much money would that take? This is not a Netflix documentary, this is real life and after a few seasons in League One we'll be lucky to fill a phone box let alone a massive ground. I don't get how so many have drunk the Kool Aid around here; don't you remember similar promises from Gold, Hong Kong Fooey and the Mark One shower? This is not going to happen. That site at Wheels will all of a sudden not get the councils backing but will make a new housing estate. There's no new station, no new pubs, no NFL, no climb up to the Premier League, no £100 million players. If they were that serious they would've pumped money into the club in January and got some decent players in. The win against Cov might've papered over some cracks but the whole lot will come tumbling down with relegation. I don't buy the saviour from the states and I'm amazed that so many here do. Wake up for God's sake.

19:06, Mon 15 Apr
19:08, Mon 15 Apr
I heard from a villa mate that they're expecting an announcement about a new ground.

What are the chances they build on Smithfield?

Consistently correct and proven right.
19:14, Mon 15 Apr

Consistently correct and proven right.
19:17, Mon 15 Apr
I heard from a villa mate that they're expecting an announcement about a new ground.

No they’re not. Pure copium.

what are the chances they build on Smithfield

They would get laughed out of the council house for even thinking of it.
19:17, Mon 15 Apr
Nikola Zigic- FEA
I heard from a villa mate that they're expecting an announcement about a new ground.

What are the chances they build on Smithfield?

Doesn’t bother me in the slightest if they do decide to build a new ground somewhere. I’m focussed on our future and nothing going on elsewhere will detract from that.
19:18, Mon 15 Apr
Thank you

Consistently correct and proven right.
19:22, Mon 15 Apr
They’re panicking. Can’t wait to see their reaction once the development of the site starts. I assume there will come a point when they will have to accept that the stadium is happening, so what will they do then? It’ll be bedsheets and tears again.

They'll be driving by for a nosey everyday, once the cranes move in. We should set up a viewing area so they can come along and gawp all they like.
19:24, Mon 15 Apr
nice 24/7 webcam
19:25, Mon 15 Apr
Knighthead should get a branch of Dunelms up on the site as soon as they can. They’d make a effing fortune from all the Vilers driving past for a mooch.