10:39, Wed 22 May
Might not be popular with some, but of all the managers listed, this guy probably fits the bill most for what we're looking for. I know some on here don't like him, but here are his managerial stats:

Hamilton - promoted to Scottish Premier (via Play-offs)
Norwich City - Promoted to Premier (via Playoffs)
Sunderland - Promoted to Championship (as champions)

Didn't work out for him at Stoke and Preston admittedly, but at 42 he's the right age, still learning.

Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer Rosenior, just don't think we're going to be able to tempt him with the Sunderland and Norwich jobs up for grabs.
10:41, Wed 22 May
Not for me.
10:42, Wed 22 May
Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer Rosenior, just don't think we're going to be able to tempt him with the Sunderland and Norwich jobs up for grabs.

If our new owners can convince potential candidates about "the Project" and the finances involved then I don't think anyone should be ruled out bar those aiming for Champions League level.
10:44, Wed 22 May
I like the optimism but I do feel like some will be disappointed with the calibre of name we get in.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
10:54, Wed 22 May
he did well at PNE and with a little but more investment would have got play offs with them.

Its a yes from me
I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay
10:55, Wed 22 May
Wagner and Cook have made it clear that they want to play possesion based football. An appointment that contradicts this narrative will make them look very silly.
10:57, Wed 22 May
I also think he actually did a good job at PNE and in context, you could probably argue it was a success.

I never use a manager's performance at Stoke as a barometer...
He'd be a solid and safe appointment I'd say. Got plenty of experience and yet still ambitious.
Up the feckin Blues
11:03, Wed 22 May
Yeah on paper he looks good and tbh any half decent manager is going to get us up.

I think Challinor’s record is probably more impressive tbh.
11:05, Wed 22 May
It's a no from me
11:06, Wed 22 May
We really should be aiming higher than this
11:07, Wed 22 May

speaks well
I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay
11:12, Wed 22 May
Sunderland went up via play offs didn't they? Finished 5th?
11:12, Wed 22 May
To be fair to Neil, I think he's one of those pragmatic managers who is capable of mixing it up. Pretty sure his Sunderland team got the ball down/ played attacking football.

Preston he got the best out of the squad.

Stoke is a stain on his record and I think they tried to play possession based, from what I can remember.

I would take him. I think having someone who has been there and done it, and understands the level of expectation will be important as we're expected to walk the league. The pressure will be on from game 1.
11:13, Wed 22 May

speaks well

Is that fella having a shit?