11:14, Wed 22 May
I wouldn't choose him, but that's just my personal opinion.
11:14, Wed 22 May
We really should be aiming higher than this

We should.and will.
11:14, Wed 22 May
Fat Buddha CBE FEA

speaks well

Is that fella having a shit?

hahahahahahahahaha i cant watch that again without thinking Gab is curling one out
I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay
11:22, Wed 22 May
Frank lampard and Ashley Cole
11:24, Wed 22 May
Wagner and Cook have made it clear that they want to play possession-based football. An appointment that contradicts this narrative will make them look very silly.

I think they'd be silly to pigeonhole themselves into old thinking. That was based on championship and prem thinking. League 1 is a different kettle of fish so the analysis needs to be redone and the best style worked out.

The goal has to be getting out of this division at any costs, including playstyle.

Of course they will get people calling them out if they were to change tact but that alone should not be a reason for staying put, ignore the noise
11:26, Wed 22 May
I'm not sure it is a different kettle of fish, lots of teams play football at this level and lots have gone up doing it. The aim should be to have a winning season playing the football we think will also get us out of the Championship.
Happy Clapper
11:27, Wed 22 May
Think it’s ok to set principles and stick to them. Sunderland’s stance on youth was incredibly brave and they’ve stuck to it.
11:27, Wed 22 May
What kind of football did his teams play? I dont know enough about him. But doesn't seem likely. Not only do we need someone who can deliver and do it playing nice football. But we need someone who is long term and a lot of the names being mentioned don't give off long term vibes to me. The long term bit for me being crucial! We can't keep chopping through managers (I know mowbray couldn't be helped). So the next manager does need to be likeable, which I know doesn't sound important but I think it is.
11:29, Wed 22 May
Think bigger
11:31, Wed 22 May
Agreed, not sure why you would spend a year trying to play a certain way - whilst planning to rip it up & play "football" if you go up.

Then if we are still in Ligue Un next year, the liklehood is you probably pivot style anyway.
Birmingham City: coming up with new ways to ruin your weekend since 1875
11:33, Wed 22 May
Le Mod
I'm not sure it is a different kettle of fish, lots of teams play football at this level and lots have gone up doing it. The aim should be to have a winning season playing the football we think will also get us out of the Championship.

Yeah, I watched large parts of the games in the L1 and L2 play-offs and all the teams were trying to "play football".

Obviously their ability to do it is patchy, but the intent was there.

The days of teams banging it long and squeezing up to the halfway line are long gone - bar the odd outlier. I remember watching Lincoln under Crowley and Crowley and eff me - they were as crass as anything I had ever seen.

But generally yeah, perfectly possible to have success with passing football.
11:38, Wed 22 May
Mauricio Pochettino has parted company with Chelsea following two days of talks between himself and the club’s hierarchy.
11:41, Wed 22 May
Alex Neil comes across as quite a pragmatic and down to earth chap - characteristics we will probably need next season.

Age 42, 3 promotions in his career already (Hamilton, Norwich & Sunderland) and a respectable career win percentage of 41.42

I would definitely be looking at/interviewing him
11:42, Wed 22 May
I think Scott Parker would be a good fit for us
If I had the wings of a sparrow
11:42, Wed 22 May
Think it’s ok to set principles and stick to them. Sunderland’s stance on youth was incredibly brave and they’ve stuck to it.

Mike Dodds for manager, respected, knows the club, wears a baseball cap. Would get Jobe and Jude back.