15:49, Wed 22 May
If it doesn't start great (and we all want him to do well) I can see the calls for TM to return starting etc
15:49, Wed 22 May
yea precisely where i'm at with it, but i dont hate it, and doesn't make me nervous like some of the other names mentioned

would be great to find the next McKenna, its not that easy though, and they'll have millions of reasons why they can't take too many risks this season.
15:49, Wed 22 May
Hopefully he bring martin Rennie with him
Yeah - me too.

I don't hate it but I'd be underwhelmed.
15:51, Wed 22 May
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
I was gutted when the rumours that we might go for Rooney emerged - in fact I refused to believe it at first. Haven't got that feeling at all here, whilst I'm not greasing the pig and firing up the disco party promotion bus over it, I think it's ok.

All of which means bugger all, but there ya go.

Edit, would still prefer Rosenior.

Not for me mate.

Sorry just never taken to the guy or any of his teams I’ve watched over the years.

But it’s more so not about him but about our approach tbh, just all feels like a mishmash of messaging and philosophical ideas.

From the words of front foot possession based football is our aim, attractive football to get bums on seats and build a new culture at the club,
I get going down his hindered that mindset somewhat, but actually going down they have the opportunity to double down on that philosophy and appoint a young forward thinking manager who will be part of overseeing a squad overhaul.

I think fans could get onboard with that and reasoning behind it, a new dawn, fresh face, new culture and philosophy at blues on and off the pitch.
Just feels very safe, unimaginative and pretty lacklustre appointment imo.

Just my view.
15:55, Wed 22 May
Feels like I am in the minority, but I would be absolutely fine with it.

His record (apart from Stoke) is pretty decent, where his win ration was 33.33%

He would get us up.
Ricky Otto 1994-1998 - The Man, The Legend
15:57, Wed 22 May
Also, can I just point out we haven’t hired the bloke.

‘In talks’ could mean a thousand things. Or be complete nonsense.
15:59, Wed 22 May
Im not inspired by it but think its a solid choice

This is the cost of relegation

Regardless of how exiting the project is to a prospective manager you're still going to be managing in League One and many wont entertain that

Same issue with players
16:01, Wed 22 May
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
I was gutted when the rumours that we might go for Rooney emerged - in fact I refused to believe it at first. Haven't got that feeling at all here, whilst I'm not greasing the pig and firing up the disco party promotion bus over it, I think it's ok.

All of which means bugger all, but there ya go.

Edit, would still prefer Rosenior.

Not for me mate.

Sorry just never taken to the guy or any of his teams I’ve watched over the years.

But it’s more so not about him but about our approach tbh, just all feels like a mishmash of messaging and philosophical ideas.

From the words of front foot possession based football is our aim, attractive football to get bums on seats and build a new culture at the club,
I get going down his hindered that mindset somewhat, but actually going down they have the opportunity to double down on that philosophy and appoint a young forward thinking manager who will be part of overseeing a squad overhaul.

I think fans could get onboard with that and reasoning behind it, a new dawn, fresh face, new culture and philosophy at blues on and off the pitch.
Just feels very safe, unimaginative and pretty lacklustre appointment imo.

Just my view.

Fair 👍
Up the feckin Blues
16:03, Wed 22 May
Solid League One choice IMO. Not the most inspiring but you can't ignore his promotion leading a club like Sunderland out of that division, something Rowett doesn't have.
16:03, Wed 22 May
This exactly, I would imagine the club are talking to a fair few managers.

He wouldn't be a bad appointment as such, but not very exciting by any means. I'd prefer Rowett in all honesty.
16:04, Wed 22 May
Hopefully the talks we've had are asking him if he's got the number of a decent manager.

Consistently correct and proven right.
16:04, Wed 22 May
Anyone still wanting Rowett as manager needs locking up!!
16:05, Wed 22 May
Yeah on paper he looks good and tbh any half decent manager is going to get us up.

I think Challinor’s record is probably more impressive tbh.

Really? He’s never managed higher than league 2. Neil has 3 promotions and with more investment could have taken Preston up. He also resigned on principle at Sunderland.