16:14, Wed 22 May
either way we need a manager in before the end of the month..This drags in to June we are really asking for trouble.

Need to get everything in place so the new manager can start getting a team assembled and in preseason ready for August

Yeah, agree with that.
Up the feckin Blues
16:16, Wed 22 May

I will be absolutely gutted if we hire Neil.

I agree, he comes across as a miserable bastard, we need some fun back, like the Fry days in Div 1 only hopefully with added common sense.
16:18, Wed 22 May
Goes against absolutely everything the club has waffled on about since May. Totally uninspiring and he comes across as a miserable div too
16:19, Wed 22 May
I remember stating on here that I thought Tony Mowbray was a dull, "meh" type appointment, and thought we should have tried harder with Steve Cooper.

But after watching his Blues teams and hearing him speak I was converted.

I think the same will be true of Neil, IF he comes.
16:19, Wed 22 May
I don't know a massive amount about him, but remember thinking, as his Preston side shithoused their way through and sucked all of the life out a game against us at St. Andrews, that this was pretty depressing stuff to be subjected to. Can't get excited about this prospect, but it won't stop me getting a season ticket, albeit with less excitement than I was hoping for.

I think perhaps the best/only way out of league 1 is by ‘shirhousing’!

Apart from Ipswich, Portsmouth and Argyle who all got 90+ points within the last year by playing football?

This. Why a certain section of our fanbase are so terrified of playing football is beyond me. Dave McKay was manager when I first started attending. For the vast majority of that time we've played pragmatic "gerrit forward" football and have achieved eff all (League Cup win aside) I can only speak for me, but I want to see us try and play football. There is no reason why you can't be successful playing attacking football (which is another load of bollocks that parts of our fan base love peddling)

We should be able to get promoted from L1, and eventually get promoted to the Prem by playing good football. In fact all the data suggests this will give us the best chance of promotion, so I've no idea where the "nice football = failure, negative football = success" even came from.
16:20, Wed 22 May
I really didn't want Neil simply on the basis that my limited knowledge of him was his football was meh. Plus he seems quite dour and as others have said we want promotion but we also want some fun.

However Sunderland fans, who seem a decent barometer to be honest seem to think he would be pretty decent for us. I certainly would rather him than some of the names banded about and definitely more than Rowett. Still gutted we didn't really get more of Tony really..
16:20, Wed 22 May
It comes across as a very boring, unimaginative, short term appointment.

His style of football is meh at best. Not a single fibre of my being wants Rowett back but he’d do just as much as Neil could.

If we’re looking at the likes of Alex Neil then we’re obviously not using the data analysis that some clubs use.
El Hijo de Quarkio
I don't know a massive amount about him, but remember thinking, as his Preston side shithoused their way through and sucked all of the life out a game against us at St. Andrews, that this was pretty depressing stuff to be subjected to. Can't get excited about this prospect, but it won't stop me getting a season ticket, albeit with less excitement than I was hoping for.

I think perhaps the best/only way out of league 1 is by ‘shirhousing’!

Apart from Ipswich, Portsmouth and Argyle who all got 90+ points within the last year by playing football?

This. Why a certain section of our fantasy are so terrified of playing football is beyond me. Dave McKay was manager when I first started attending. For the vast majority of that time we've played pragmatic "gerrit forward" football and have achieved eff all (League Cup win aside) I can only speak for me, but I want to see us try and play football. There is no reason why you can't be successful playing attacking football (which is another load of bollocks that parts of our fan base love peddling)

We should be able to get promoted from L1, and eventually get promoted to the Prem by playing good football. In fact all the data suggests this will give us the best chance of promotion, so I've no idea where the "nice football = failure, negative football = success" even came from.
16:25, Wed 22 May
His style of football is meh at best. Not a single fibre of my being wants Rowett back but he’d do just as much as Neil could.

What's this based on though?

I feel like there's this perception that he plays the same as Rowett but it's not true. Rowett is a safety first, counter attacking manager. Neil typically plays front foot aggressive football.

He's not exciting, it's meh, and I'm not bothered if he gets it or not, but I feel like a lot of reasons for disliking it are based on stuff that isn't true

If its based on him not being a big name, being a bit of a miserable dickhead and not playing like Bielsa, then yeah, I'm with you, but he's not Rowett.
Happy Clapper
16:26, Wed 22 May
It comes across as a very boring, unimaginative, short term appointment.

His style of football is meh at best. Not a single fibre of my being wants Rowett back but he’d do just as much as Neil could.

If we’re looking at the likes of Alex Neil then we’re obviously not using the data analysis that some clubs use.

Fair play mate. Style of football is open to interpretation and personal preference. However, our target is to get out of L1 and to get promoted to the Prem.

Alex Neil has achieved both of those aims, Rowett hasn't. Neil also had Preston performing as a stable top 10 club. GR has never achieved a promotion, and will never achieve a promotion in his career IMO. His approach is too negative and his teams don't score enough goals.
16:26, Wed 22 May
El Hijo de Quarkio
His Norwich team were decent to watch and his Preston team weren't too bad either. I've got no idea why some are tarring him with the Rowett negball brush.

Norwich I might agree with you.

Preston under him were a filthy watch though.

Not so much negative as just absolute shithouse anti-football.

He would argue he had better players at Norwich I'm sure. I just think he's a win at all costs merchant, which I don't like - but a lot of people on here should, because many of them say it's what they want.
16:29, Wed 22 May
He is a bit more adventurous than Rowett from what I have seen. Likes to shut down opposition teams and play aggressive football.

his philosophy is compatible with Birmingham City IMO as we have so far struggled to play any possession based football.

Our best performance last season was at home to Coventry and we had something like 30% possession.

if they want to change the philosophy of the football club then they need to be patient and expect next season to not be an instant success.
16:30, Wed 22 May
From the eye test everything he’s done after Norwich has been dour.

From the Stoke version of the Birmingham Mail:

It’s worked well against good passing sides, but struggled to break down low blocks quite regularly.

Sounds very familiar.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
Super Hans
From the eye test everything he’s done after Norwich has been dour.

From the Stoke version of the Birmingham Mail:

It’s worked well against good passing sides, but struggled to break down low blocks quite regularly.

Sounds very familiar.

Sunderland wasn’t dour to be fair.
16:32, Wed 22 May
Le Mod
His style of football is meh at best. Not a single fibre of my being wants Rowett back but he’d do just as much as Neil could.

What's this based on though?

I feel like there's this perception that he plays the same as Rowett but it's not true. Rowett is a safety first, counter attacking manager. Neil typically plays front foot aggressive football.

He's not exciting, it's meh, and I'm not bothered if he gets it or not, but I feel like a lot of reasons for disliking it are based on stuff that isn't true

If its based on him not being a big name, being a bit of a miserable dickhead and not playing like Bielsa, then yeah, I'm with you, but he's not Rowett.

Comparing him to Rowett I meant he’ll probably get us to 12-14th in the Championship and no higher. Not necessarily the style of play.

You only have to look at his time at Stoke though and their reaction to him “turgid, binary, lacking cohesion, no identity” etc.

He hardly plays the aggression possession based game our owners seemingly want.

Personally and the biggest reason for me being against him is that I don’t like his face, he’s a miserable chunt and he reminds me of Cotterill for some reason.